Source code for aerosandbox.dynamics.point_mass.common_point_mass

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from aerosandbox.common import AeroSandboxObject
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Union, Dict, Tuple, List
from aerosandbox import MassProperties, Opti, OperatingPoint, Atmosphere, Airplane, _asb_root
from import trim_string
import inspect
import copy

[docs]class _DynamicsPointMassBaseClass(AeroSandboxObject, ABC): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, mass_props: MassProperties = None, **state_variables_and_indirect_control_variables, ):
[docs] self.mass_props = MassProperties() if mass_props is None else mass_props
""" For each state variable, self.state_var = state_var For each indirect control variable, self.indirect_control_var = indirect_control_var For each control variable, self.control_var = 0 """ @property @abstractmethod
[docs] def state(self) -> Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: """ Returns the state variables of this Dynamics instance as a Dict. Keys are strings that give the name of the variables. Values are the variables themselves. This method should look something like: >>> { >>> "x_e": self.x_e, >>> "u_e": self.u_e, >>> ... >>> } """ pass
[docs] def get_new_instance_with_state(self, new_state: Union[ Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]], List, Tuple, np.ndarray ] = None ): """ Creates a new instance of this same Dynamics class from the given state. Note that any control variables (forces, moments) associated with the previous instance are zeroed. Args: new_state: The new state to be used for the new instance. Ideally, this is represented as a Dict in identical format to the `state` of a Dynamics instance. Returns: A new instance of this same Dynamics class. """ ### Get a list of all the inputs that the class constructor wants to see init_signature = inspect.signature(self.__class__.__init__) init_args = list(init_signature.parameters.keys())[1:] # Ignore 'self' ### Create a new instance, and give the constructor all the inputs it wants to see (based on values in this instance) new_dyn: __class__ = self.__class__(**{ k: getattr(self, k) for k in init_args }) ### Overwrite the state variables in the new instance with those from the input new_dyn._set_state(new_state=new_state) ### Return the new instance return new_dyn
[docs] def _set_state(self, new_state: Union[ Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]], List, Tuple, np.ndarray ] = None ): """ Force-overwrites all state variables with a new set (either partial or complete) of state variables. Warning: this is *not* the intended public usage of Dynamics instances. If you want a new state yourself, you should instantiate a new one either: a) manually, or b) by using Dynamics.get_new_instance_with_state() Hence, this function is meant for PRIVATE use only - be careful how you use this! Especially note that control variables (e.g., forces, moments) do not reset to zero. """ ### Set the default parameters if new_state is None: new_state = {} try: # Assume `value` is a dict-like, with keys for key in new_state.keys(): # Overwrite each of the specified state variables setattr(self, key, new_state[key]) except AttributeError: # Assume it's an iterable that has been sorted. self._set_state( self.pack_state(new_state)) # Pack the iterable into a dict-like, then do the same thing as above.
[docs] def unpack_state(self, dict_like_state: Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]] = None ) -> Tuple[Union[float, np.ndarray]]: """ 'Unpacks' a Dict-like state into an array-like that represents the state of the dynamical system. Args: dict_like_state: Takes in a dict-like representation of the state. Returns: The array representation of the state that you gave. """ if dict_like_state is None: dict_like_state = self.state return tuple(dict_like_state.values())
[docs] def pack_state(self, array_like_state: Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray] = None ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: """ 'Packs' an array into a Dict that represents the state of the dynamical system. Args: array_like_state: Takes in an iterable that must have the same number of entries as the state vector of the system. Returns: The Dict representation of the state that you gave. """ if array_like_state is None: return self.state if not len(self.state.keys()) == len(array_like_state): raise ValueError( "There are a differing number of elements in the `state` variable and the `array_like` you're trying to pack!") return { k: v for k, v in zip( self.state.keys(), array_like_state ) }
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def control_variables(self) -> Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: pass
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: title = f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance:" def makeline(k, v): name = trim_string(str(k).strip(), length=8).rjust(8) item = trim_string(str(v).strip(), length=40).ljust(40) line = f"{name}: {item}" return line state_variables_title = "\tState variables:" state_variables = "\n".join([ "\t\t" + makeline(k, v) for k, v in self.state.items() ]) control_variables_title = "\tControl variables:" control_variables = "\n".join([ "\t\t" + makeline(k, v) for k, v in self.control_variables.items() ]) return "\n".join([ title, state_variables_title, state_variables, control_variables_title, control_variables ])
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]): """ Indexes one item from each attribute of a Dynamics instance. Returns a new Dynamics instance of the same type. Args: index: The index that is being called; e.g.,: >>> first_dyn = dyn[0] Returns: A new Dynamics instance, where each attribute is subscripted at the given value, if possible. """ l = len(self) def get_item_of_attribute(a): if hasattr(a, "__len__") and hasattr(a, "__getitem__"): if len(a) == 1: return a[0] elif len(a) == l: return a[index] else: try: return a[index] except IndexError as e: raise IndexError(f"A state variable could not be indexed; it has length {len(a)} while the" f"parent has length {l}.") else: return a new_instance = self.get_new_instance_with_state() for k, v in new_instance.__dict__.items(): setattr(new_instance, k, get_item_of_attribute(v)) return new_instance
[docs] def __len__(self): length = 1 for v in self.state.values(): lv = np.length(v) if lv != 1: if length == 1: length = lv elif length == lv: pass else: raise ValueError("State variables are appear vectorized, but of different lengths!") return length
[docs] def __array__(self, dtype="O"): """ Allows NumPy array creation without infinite recursion in __len__ and __getitem__. """ return np.fromiter([self], dtype=dtype).reshape(())
[docs] def state_derivatives(self) -> Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: """ A function that returns the derivatives with respect to time of the state specified in the `state` property. Should return a Dict with the same keys as the `state` property. """ pass
[docs] def constrain_derivatives(self, opti: Opti, time: np.ndarray, method: str = "trapezoidal", which: Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str]] = "all", _stacklevel=1, ): """ Applies the relevant state derivative constraints to a given Opti instance. Args: opti: the AeroSandbox `Opti` instance that constraints should be applied to. time: A vector that represents the time at each discrete point. Should be the same length as any vectorized state variables in the `state` property of this Dynamics instance. method: The discrete integration method to use. See Opti.constrain_derivative() for options. which: Which state variables should be we constrain? By default, constrains all of them. Options: * "all", which constrains all state variables (default) * A list of strings that are state variable names (i.e., a subset of `dyn.state.keys()`), that gives the names of state variables to be constrained. _stacklevel: Optional and advanced, purely used for debugging. Allows users to correctly track where constraints are declared in the event that they are subclassing `aerosandbox.Opti`. Modifies the stacklevel of the declaration tracked, which is then presented using `aerosandbox.Opti.variable_declaration()` and `aerosandbox.Opti.constraint_declaration()`. Returns: """ if which == "all": which = self.state.keys() state_derivatives = self.state_derivatives() for state_var_name in which: # If a state derivative has a None value, skip it. if state_derivatives[state_var_name] is None: continue # Try to constrain the derivative try: opti.constrain_derivative( derivative=state_derivatives[state_var_name], variable=self.state[state_var_name], with_respect_to=time, method=method, _stacklevel=_stacklevel + 1 ) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"This dynamics instance does not have a state named '{state_var_name}'!") except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error while constraining state variable '{state_var_name}': \n{e}")
[docs] def convert_axes(self, x_from: float, y_from: float, z_from: float, from_axes: str, to_axes: str, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Converts a vector [x_from, y_from, z_from], as given in the `from_axes` frame, to an equivalent vector [x_to, y_to, z_to], as given in the `to_axes` frame. Identical to OperatingPoint.convert_axes(), but adds in "earth" as a valid axis frame. For more documentation, see the docstring of OperatingPoint.convert_axes(). Both `from_axes` and `to_axes` should be a string, one of: * "geometry" * "body" * "wind" * "stability" * "earth" Args: x_from: x-component of the vector, in `from_axes` frame. y_from: y-component of the vector, in `from_axes` frame. z_from: z-component of the vector, in `from_axes` frame. from_axes: The axes to convert from. See above for options. to_axes: The axes to convert to. See above for options. Returns: The x-, y-, and z-components of the vector, in `to_axes` frame. Given as a tuple. """ pass
[docs] def add_force(self, Fx: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0, Fy: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0, Fz: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0, axes: str = "wind", ) -> None: """ Adds a force (in whichever axis system you choose) to this Dynamics instance. Args: Fx: Force in the x-direction in the axis system chosen. [N] Fy: Force in the y-direction in the axis system chosen. [N] Fz: Force in the z-direction in the axis system chosen. [N] axes: The axis system that the specified force is in. One of: * "geometry" * "body" * "wind" * "stability" * "earth" Returns: None (in-place) """ pass
[docs] def add_gravity_force(self, g=9.81 ) -> None: """ In-place modifies the forces associated with this Dynamics instance: adds a force in the -z direction, equal to the weight of the aircraft. Args: g: The gravitational acceleration. [m/s^2] Returns: None (in-place) """ self.add_force( Fz=self.mass_props.mass * g, axes="earth", )
[docs] def op_point(self): """ Returns an OperatingPoint object that represents the current state of the dynamics instance. This OperatingPoint object is effectively a subset of the state variables, and is used to compute aerodynamic forces and moments. """ return OperatingPoint( atmosphere=Atmosphere(altitude=self.altitude), velocity=self.speed, alpha=self.alpha, beta=self.beta, p=0, q=0, r=0, )
[docs] def draw(self, vehicle_model: Union[Airplane, "PolyData"] = None, backend: str = "pyvista", plotter=None, draw_axes: bool = True, draw_global_axes: bool = True, draw_global_grid: bool = True, scale_vehicle_model: Union[float, None] = None, n_vehicles_to_draw: int = 10, cg_axes: str = "geometry", draw_trajectory_line: bool = True, trajectory_line_color=None, draw_altitude_drape: bool = True, draw_ground_plane: bool = True, draw_wingtip_ribbon: bool = True, set_sky_background: bool = True, vehicle_color=None, show: bool = True, ): if backend == "pyvista": import pyvista as pv import as p if vehicle_model is None: default_vehicle_stl = _asb_root / "dynamics/visualization/default_assets/talon.stl" vehicle_model = elif isinstance(vehicle_model, pv.PolyData): pass elif isinstance(vehicle_model, Airplane): vehicle_model: pv.PolyData = vehicle_model.draw( backend="pyvista", show=False ) vehicle_model.rotate_y(180, inplace=True) # Rotate from geometry axes to body axes. elif isinstance(vehicle_model, str): # Interpret the string as a filepath to a .stl or similar try: except Exception: raise ValueError("Could not parse `vehicle_model`!") else: raise TypeError("`vehicle_model` should be an Airplane or PolyData object.") x_e = np.array(self.x_e) y_e = np.array(self.y_e) z_e = np.array(self.z_e) if np.length(x_e) == 1: x_e = x_e * np.ones(len(self)) if np.length(y_e) == 1: y_e = y_e * np.ones(len(self)) if np.length(z_e) == 1: z_e = z_e * np.ones(len(self)) trajectory_bounds = np.array([ [x_e.min(), x_e.max()], [y_e.min(), y_e.max()], [z_e.min(), z_e.max()], ]) vehicle_bounds = np.array(vehicle_model.bounds).reshape((3, 2)) # trajectory_size = np.max(np.diff(trajectory_bounds, axis=1)) # Max dimension # vehicle_size = np.max(np.diff(vehicle_bounds, axis=1)) # Max dimension if scale_vehicle_model is None: # Compute an auto-scaling factor if len(self) == 1: scale_vehicle_model = 1 else: path_length = np.sum( (np.diff(x_e) ** 2 + np.diff(y_e) ** 2 + np.diff(z_e) ** 2) ** 0.5 ) vehicle_length = np.diff(vehicle_bounds[0, :]) scale_vehicle_model = float(0.5 * path_length / vehicle_length / n_vehicles_to_draw) ### Initialize the plotter if plotter is None: plotter = pv.Plotter() if set_sky_background: plotter.set_background( color="#FFFFFF", top="#A5B8D7", ) # Set the window title title = "ASB Dynamics" addenda = [] if scale_vehicle_model != 1: addenda.append(f"Vehicle drawn at {scale_vehicle_model:.2g}x scale") addenda.append(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Engine") if len(addenda) != 0: title = title + f" ({'; '.join(addenda)})" plotter.title = title # Draw axes and grid if draw_global_axes: plotter.add_axes() if draw_global_grid: plotter.show_grid(color='gray') ### Set up interpolators for dynamics instances from scipy import interpolate state_interpolators = { k: interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( x=np.arange(len(self)), y=v * np.ones(len(self)), k=np.clip(len(self), 1, 3), check_finite=True, ) for k, v in self.state.items() } control_interpolators = { k: interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( x=np.arange(len(self)), y=v * np.ones(len(self)), k=np.clip(len(self), 1, 3), check_finite=True, ) for k, v in self.control_variables.items() } ### Draw the vehicle for i in np.linspace(0, len(self) - 1, n_vehicles_to_draw): dyn = self.get_new_instance_with_state({ k: float(v(i)) for k, v in state_interpolators.items() }) for k, v in control_interpolators.items(): setattr(dyn, k, float(v(i))) try: phi = dyn.phi except AttributeError: phi = try: theta = dyn.theta except AttributeError: theta = dyn.gamma try: psi = dyn.psi except AttributeError: psi = dyn.track x_cg_b, y_cg_b, z_cg_b = dyn.convert_axes( dyn.mass_props.x_cg, # TODO fix this and make this per-point dyn.mass_props.y_cg, dyn.mass_props.z_cg, from_axes=cg_axes, to_axes="body" ) this_vehicle = copy.deepcopy(vehicle_model) this_vehicle.translate([ -np.mean(x_cg_b), -np.mean(y_cg_b), -np.mean(z_cg_b), ], inplace=True) this_vehicle.points *= scale_vehicle_model this_vehicle.rotate_x(np.degrees(phi), inplace=True) this_vehicle.rotate_y(np.degrees(theta), inplace=True) this_vehicle.rotate_z(np.degrees(psi), inplace=True) this_vehicle.translate([ dyn.x_e, dyn.y_e, dyn.z_e, ], inplace=True) plotter.add_mesh( this_vehicle, color=( p.adjust_lightness(p.palettes["categorical"][0], 1.3) if vehicle_color is None else vehicle_color ), opacity=0.95, specular=0.5, specular_power=15, ) if draw_axes: rot = np.rotation_matrix_from_euler_angles(phi, theta, psi) axes_scale = 0.5 * np.max( np.diff( np.array(this_vehicle.bounds).reshape((3, -1)), axis=1 ) ) origin = np.array([ dyn.x_e, dyn.y_e, dyn.z_e, ]) for i, c in enumerate(["r", "g", "b"]): plotter.add_mesh( pv.Spline(np.array([ origin, origin + rot[:, i] * axes_scale ])), color=c, line_width=2.5, opacity=0.5, ) ### Draw the trajectory line path = np.stack([ x_e, y_e, z_e, ], axis=1) if len(self) > 1: if draw_trajectory_line: polyline = pv.Spline(path) plotter.add_mesh( polyline, color=( p.adjust_lightness(p.palettes["categorical"][0], 1.3) if trajectory_line_color is None else trajectory_line_color ), line_width=3, ) if draw_wingtip_ribbon: left_wingtip_points = np.array(self.convert_axes( 0, scale_vehicle_model * vehicle_bounds[1, 0], 0, from_axes="body", to_axes="earth" )).T + path plotter.add_mesh( pv.Spline(left_wingtip_points), color="pink", ) right_wingtip_points = np.array(self.convert_axes( 0, scale_vehicle_model * vehicle_bounds[1, 1], 0, from_axes="body", to_axes="earth" )).T + path plotter.add_mesh( pv.Spline(right_wingtip_points), color="pink", ) grid = pv.StructuredGrid() grid.points = np.concatenate([ left_wingtip_points, right_wingtip_points, ], axis=0) grid.dimensions = len(left_wingtip_points), 2, 1 plotter.add_mesh( grid, color="pink", opacity=0.5, ) if draw_altitude_drape: ### Drape grid = pv.StructuredGrid() grid.points = np.concatenate([ path, path * np.array([[1, 1, 0]]) ], axis=0) grid.dimensions = len(path), 2, 1 plotter.add_mesh( grid, color="black", opacity=0.5, ) if draw_ground_plane: ### Plane grid = pv.StructuredGrid() xlim = (x_e.min(), x_e.max()) ylim = (y_e.min(), y_e.max()) grid.points = np.array([ [xlim[0], ylim[0], 0], [xlim[1], ylim[0], 0], [xlim[0], ylim[1], 0], [xlim[1], ylim[1], 0] ]) grid.dimensions = 2, 2, 1 plotter.add_mesh( grid, color="darkkhaki", opacity=0.5 ) ### Finalize the plotter = (0, 0, -1) if show: return plotter else: raise NotImplementedError("Only the pyvista backend is implemented so far.")
[docs] def altitude(self): return -self.z_e
[docs] def translational_kinetic_energy(self) -> float: """ Computes the kinetic energy [J] from translational motion. KE = 0.5 * m * v^2 Returns: Kinetic energy [J] """ return 0.5 * self.mass_props.mass * self.speed ** 2
[docs] def rotational_kinetic_energy(self) -> float: """ Computes the kinetic energy [J] from rotational motion. KE = 0.5 * I * w^2 Returns: Kinetic energy [J] """ return 0.5 * ( self.mass_props.Ixx * self.p ** 2 + self.mass_props.Iyy * self.q ** 2 + self.mass_props.Izz * self.r ** 2 )
[docs] def kinetic_energy(self): """ Computes the kinetic energy [J] from translational and rotational motion. KE = 0.5 * m * v^2 + 0.5 * I * w^2 Returns: Kinetic energy [J] """ return self.translational_kinetic_energy + self.rotational_kinetic_energy
[docs] def potential_energy(self, g: float = 9.81 ): """ Computes the potential energy [J] from gravity. PE = mgh Args: g: Acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2] Returns: Potential energy [J] """ return self.mass_props.mass * g * self.altitude