
Module Contents#


array(array_like[, dtype])

Initializes a new array. Creates a NumPy array if possible; if not, creates a CasADi array.

concatenate(arrays[, axis])

Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array.

stack(arrays[, axis])

Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array.





Returns the length of an 1D-array-like object. An extension of len() with slightly different functionality.

diag(v[, k])

Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.

roll(a, shift[, axis])

Roll array elements along a given axis.

max(a[, axis])

Return the maximum of an array or maximum along an axis.

min(a[, axis])

Return the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis.

reshape(a, newshape[, order])

Gives a new shape to an array without changing its data.

ravel(a[, order])

Returns a contiguous flattened array.

tile(A, reps)

Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps.

zeros_like(a[, dtype, order, subok, shape])

Return an array of zeros with the same shape and type as a given array.

ones_like(a[, dtype, order, subok, shape])

Return an array of ones with the same shape and type as a given array.

empty_like(prototype[, dtype, order, subok, shape])

Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array.

full_like(a, fill_value[, dtype, order, subok, shape])

Return a full array with the same shape and type as a given array.


Assert that all of the given arrays are the same shape. If this is not true, raise a ValueError.

aerosandbox.numpy.array.array(array_like, dtype=None)[source]#

Initializes a new array. Creates a NumPy array if possible; if not, creates a CasADi array.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.concatenate(arrays, axis=0)[source]#

Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array.

See syntax here:

  • arrays (Sequence) –

  • axis (int) –

aerosandbox.numpy.array.stack(arrays, axis=0)[source]#

Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array.

See syntax here:

  • arrays (Sequence) –

  • axis (int) –


Returns the length of an 1D-array-like object. An extension of len() with slightly different functionality. :param array:


Return type:


aerosandbox.numpy.array.diag(v, k=0)[source]#

Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.roll(a, shift, axis=None)[source]#

Roll array elements along a given axis.

Elements that roll beyond the last position are re-introduced at the first.

See syntax here:

  • a (array_like) – Input array.

  • shift (int or tuple of ints) – The number of places by which elements are shifted. If a tuple, then axis must be a tuple of the same size, and each of the given axes is shifted by the corresponding number. If an int while axis is a tuple of ints, then the same value is used for all given axes.

  • axis (int or tuple of ints, optional) – Axis or axes along which elements are shifted. By default, the array is flattened before shifting, after which the original shape is restored.


res – Output array, with the same shape as a.

Return type:


aerosandbox.numpy.array.max(a, axis=None)[source]#

Return the maximum of an array or maximum along an axis.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.min(a, axis=None)[source]#

Return the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.reshape(a, newshape, order='C')[source]#

Gives a new shape to an array without changing its data.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.ravel(a, order='C')[source]#

Returns a contiguous flattened array.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.tile(A, reps)[source]#

Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps.

See syntax here:

aerosandbox.numpy.array.zeros_like(a, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None)[source]#

Return an array of zeros with the same shape and type as a given array.

aerosandbox.numpy.array.ones_like(a, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None)[source]#

Return an array of ones with the same shape and type as a given array.

aerosandbox.numpy.array.empty_like(prototype, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None)[source]#

Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array.

aerosandbox.numpy.array.full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None)[source]#

Return a full array with the same shape and type as a given array.


Assert that all of the given arrays are the same shape. If this is not true, raise a ValueError.

Args: arrays: The arrays to be evaluated.

Can be provided as a:

  • List, in which case a generic ValueError is thrown

  • Dictionary consisting of name:array pairs for key:value, in which case the names are given in the ValueError.

Returns: None. Throws an error if leng


arrays (Union[List[numpy.ndarray], Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]) –

Return type:
