
Module Contents#



A model that is interpolated to structured (i.e., gridded) N-dimensional data. Maps from R^N -> R^1.

class aerosandbox.modeling.interpolation.InterpolatedModel(x_data_coordinates, y_data_structured, method='bspline', fill_value=np.nan)[source]#

Bases: aerosandbox.modeling.surrogate_model.SurrogateModel

A model that is interpolated to structured (i.e., gridded) N-dimensional data. Maps from R^N -> R^1.

You can evaluate this model at a given point by calling it just like a function, e.g.:

>>> y = my_interpolated_model(x)
The input to the model (x in the example above) is of the type:
  • in the general N-dimensional case, a dictionary where: keys are variable names and values are float/array

  • in the case of a 1-dimensional input (R^1 -> R^1), it can optionally just be a float/array.

If you’re not sure what the input type of my_interpolated_model should be, just do:

>>> print(my_interpolated_model) # Displays the valid input type to the model

The output of the model (y in the example above) is always a float or array.

See the docstring __init__ method of InterpolatedModel for more details of how to instantiate and use InterpolatedModel.

One might have expected a interpolated model to be a literal Python function rather than a Python class - the benefit of having InterpolatedModel as a class rather than a function is that you can easily save (pickle) classes including data (e.g. parameters, x_data, y_data), but you can’t do that with functions. And, because the InterpolatedModel class has a __call__ method, you can basically still just think of it like a function.

  • x_data_coordinates (Union[aerosandbox.numpy.ndarray, Dict[str, aerosandbox.numpy.ndarray]]) –

  • y_data_structured (aerosandbox.numpy.ndarray) –

  • method (str) –


Evaluates the surrogate model at some given input x.

The input x is of the type:
  • in the general N-dimensional case, a dictionary where keys are variable names and values are float/array.

  • in the case of a 1-dimensional input (R^1 -> R^2), a float/array.