Source code for aerosandbox

from pathlib import Path

[docs]_asb_root = Path(__file__).parent
from aerosandbox.common import * from aerosandbox.optimization import * from aerosandbox.modeling import * from aerosandbox.geometry import * from aerosandbox.atmosphere import * from aerosandbox.weights import * from aerosandbox.performance import * from aerosandbox.dynamics import * from aerosandbox.aerodynamics import * from aerosandbox.propulsion import * from aerosandbox.structures import *
[docs]__version__ = "4.2.4"
[docs]def docs(): """ Opens the AeroSandbox documentation. """ import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new( "" ) # TODO: make this redirect to a hosted ReadTheDocs, or similar.
[docs]def run_tests(): """ Runs all of the AeroSandbox internal unit tests on this computer. """ try: import pytest except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Please install `pytest` (`pip install pytest`) to run AeroSandbox unit tests.") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with plt.ion(): # Disable blocking plotting pytest.main([str(_asb_root)])