Source code for discrete_squared_curvature_derivation_bernstein

import sympy as s
from sympy import init_printing


# Gets the integral from x2 to x3, looking at the cubic spline interpolant from x1...x4

# Define the symbols
hm, h, hp = s.symbols("hm h hp", real=True)

x1, x2, x3, x4 = s.symbols('x1 x2 x3 x4', real=True)
# f1, f2, f3, f4 = s.symbols('f1 f2 f3 f4', real=True)

dfm, df, dfp = s.symbols("dfm df dfp", real=True)

[docs]f1 = s.symbols("f1", real=True)
[docs]f2 = f1 + dfm
[docs]f3 = f2 + df
[docs]f4 = f3 + dfp
[docs]def simplify(expr, maxdepth=10, _depth=0): import copy original_expr = copy.copy(expr) print(f"Depth: {_depth} | Parsimony: {len(str(expr))}") maps = { f4 - f3: dfp, f3 - f2: df, f2 - f1: dfm, f4 - f2: dfp + df, f3 - f1: df + dfm, f4 - f1: dfp + df + dfm, x4 - x3: hp, x3 - x2: h, x2 - x1: hm, x4 - x2: hp + h, x3 - x1: h + hm, x4 - x1: hp + h + hm, } expr = expr.factor([h, hm, hp]) expr = expr.subs(maps) expr = expr.simplify() if expr != original_expr: if len(str(expr)) < len(str(original_expr)): if _depth < maxdepth: return simplify(expr, maxdepth=maxdepth, _depth=_depth + 1) else: return expr else: return original_expr else: return expr
[docs]q = s.symbols('q') # Normalized space for a Bernstein basis.
# Mapping from x-space to q-space has x=x2 -> q=0, x=x3 -> q=1.
[docs]q2 = 0
[docs]q3 = 1
[docs]q1 = q2 - hm / h
[docs]q4 = q3 + hp / h
# q1, q4 = s.symbols('q1 q4', real=True) # Define the Bernstein basis polynomials
[docs]b1 = (1 - q) ** 3
[docs]b2 = 3 * q * (1 - q) ** 2
[docs]b3 = 3 * q ** 2 * (1 - q)
[docs]b4 = q ** 3
c1, c2, c3, c4 = s.symbols('c1 c2 c3 c4', real=True) # Can solve for c2 and c3 exactly
[docs]c1 = f2
[docs]c4 = f3
[docs]f = c1 * b1 + c2 * b2 + c3 * b3 + c4 * b4
[docs]f1_cubic = f.subs(q, q1) # .simplify()
[docs]f4_cubic = f.subs(q, q4) # .simplify()
[docs]factors = [dfm, df, dfp]
# factors = [ddfm, ddfp] # factors = [f1, f2, f3, f4] # Solve for c2 and c3
[docs]sol = s.solve( [ f1_cubic - f1, f4_cubic - f4, ], [ c2, c3, ], )
[docs]c2_sol = simplify(sol[c2].factor(factors))
[docs]c3_sol = simplify(sol[c3].factor(factors))
# f = c1 * b1 + c2_sol * b2 + c3_sol * b3 + c4 * b4
[docs]dfdx = f.diff(q) / h
[docs]df2dx = dfdx.diff(q) / h
res = s.integrate(df2dx ** 2, (q, q2, q3)) * h res = simplify(res.factor(factors)) res = simplify(res)
[docs]res = simplify(res.subs({c2: c2_sol, c3: c3_sol}).factor(factors))
[docs]cse = s.cse( res, symbols=s.numbered_symbols("s"), list=False)
[docs]parsimony = len(str(res))
# print(s.pretty(res, num_columns=100)) print(f"Parsimony: {parsimony}") for i, (var, expr) in enumerate(cse[0]): print(f"{var} = {expr}") print(f"res = {cse[1]}") if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] x = s.symbols('x', real=True)
a = 0 b = 4 def example_f(x): return x ** 3 + 1 h_val = b - a hm_val = 1 hp_val = 1 df_val = example_f(b) - example_f(a) dfm_val = example_f(a) - example_f(a - hm_val) dfp_val = example_f(b + hp_val) - example_f(b) ddfm_val = df_val - dfm_val ddfp_val = dfp_val - df_val subs = { h : h_val, hm : hm_val, hp : hp_val, df : df_val, dfm: dfm_val, dfp: dfp_val, # ddfm: ddfm_val, # ddfp: ddfp_val, } exact = s.N( s.integrate( example_f(x).diff(x, 2) ** 2, (x, a, b) ) ) eqn = s.N( res.subs(subs) ) print(f"exact: {exact}") print(f"eqn: {eqn}") print(f"ratio: {exact / eqn}")