Source code for aerosandbox.weights.mass_properties_of_shapes

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from aerosandbox.weights.mass_properties import MassProperties

Most of these relations are taken from:

[docs]def mass_properties_from_radius_of_gyration( mass: float, x_cg: float = 0, y_cg: float = 0, z_cg: float = 0, radius_of_gyration_x: float = 0, radius_of_gyration_y: float = 0, radius_of_gyration_z: float = 0, ) -> MassProperties: """ Returns the mass properties of an object, given its radius of gyration. It's assumed that the principle axes of the inertia tensor are aligned with the coordinate axes. This is a shorthand convenience function for common usage of the MassProperties constructor. For more detailed use, use the MassProperties object directly. Args: mass: Mass [kg] x_cg: x-position of the center of gravity y_cg: y-position of the center of gravity z_cg: z-position of the center of gravity radius_of_gyration_x: Radius of gyration along the x-axis, about the center of gravity [m] radius_of_gyration_y: Radius of gyration along the y-axis, about the center of gravity [m] radius_of_gyration_z: Radius of gyration along the z-axis, about the center of gravity [m] Returns: MassProperties object. """ return MassProperties( mass=mass, x_cg=x_cg, y_cg=y_cg, z_cg=z_cg, Ixx=mass * radius_of_gyration_x ** 2, Iyy=mass * radius_of_gyration_y ** 2, Izz=mass * radius_of_gyration_z ** 2, Ixy=0, Iyz=0, Ixz=0, )
[docs]def mass_properties_of_ellipsoid( mass: float, radius_x: float, radius_y: float, radius_z: float, ) -> MassProperties: """ Returns the mass properties of an ellipsoid centered on the origin. Args: mass: Mass [kg] radius_x: Radius along the x-axis [m] radius_y: Radius along the y-axis [m] radius_z: Radius along the z-axis [m] Returns: MassProperties object. """ return MassProperties( mass=mass, x_cg=0, y_cg=0, z_cg=0, Ixx=0.2 * mass * (radius_y ** 2 + radius_z ** 2), Iyy=0.2 * mass * (radius_z ** 2 + radius_x ** 2), Izz=0.2 * mass * (radius_x ** 2 + radius_y ** 2), Ixy=0, Iyz=0, Ixz=0, )
[docs]def mass_properties_of_sphere( mass: float, radius: float, ) -> MassProperties: """ Returns the mass properties of a sphere centered on the origin. Args: mass: Mass [kg] radius: Radius [m] Returns: MassProperties object. """ return mass_properties_of_ellipsoid( mass=mass, radius_x=radius, radius_y=radius, radius_z=radius )
[docs]def mass_properties_of_rectangular_prism( mass: float, length_x: float, length_y: float, length_z: float, ) -> MassProperties: """ Returns the mass properties of a rectangular prism centered on the origin. Args: mass: Mass [kg] length_x: Side length along the x-axis [m] length_y: Side length along the y-axis [m] length_z: Side length along the z-axis [m] Returns: MassProperties object. """ return MassProperties( mass=mass, x_cg=0, y_cg=0, z_cg=0, Ixx=1 / 12 * mass * (length_y ** 2 + length_z ** 2), Iyy=1 / 12 * mass * (length_z ** 2 + length_x ** 2), Izz=1 / 12 * mass * (length_x ** 2 + length_y ** 2), Ixy=0, Iyz=0, Ixz=0, )
[docs]def mass_properties_of_cube( mass: float, side_length: float, ) -> MassProperties: """ Returns the mass properties of a cube centered on the origin. Args: mass: Mass [kg] side_length: Side length of the cube [m] Returns: MassProperties object. """ return mass_properties_of_rectangular_prism( mass=mass, length_x=side_length, length_y=side_length, length_z=side_length, )