Source code for aerosandbox.weights.mass_properties

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from aerosandbox.common import AeroSandboxObject
from typing import Union, Any, List
from import trim_string

[docs]class MassProperties(AeroSandboxObject): """ Mass properties of a rigid 3D object. ## Notes on Inertia Tensor Definition This class uses the standard mathematical definition of the inertia tensor, which is different from the alternative definition used by some CAD and CAE applications (such as SolidWorks, NX, etc.). These differ by a sign flip in the products of inertia. Specifically, we define the inertia tensor using the standard convention: [ I11 I12 I13 ] [ Ixx Ixy Ixz ] [sum(m*(y^2+z^2)) -sum(m*x*y) -sum(m*x*z) ] I = [ I21 I22 I23 ] = [ Ixy Iyy Iyz ] = [-sum(m*x*y) sum(m*(x^2+z^2)) -sum(m*y*z) ] [ I31 I32 I33 ] [ Ixz Iyz Izz ] [-sum(m*x*z) -sum(m*y*z) sum(m*(x^2+y^2))] Whereas SolidWorks, NX, etc. define the inertia tensor as: [ I11 I12 I13 ] [ Ixx -Ixy -Ixz ] [sum(m*(y^2+z^2)) -sum(m*x*y) -sum(m*x*z) ] I = [ I21 I22 I23 ] = [-Ixy Iyy -Iyz ] = [-sum(m*x*y) sum(m*(x^2+z^2)) -sum(m*y*z) ] [ I31 I32 I33 ] [-Ixz -Iyz Izz ] [-sum(m*x*z) -sum(m*y*z) sum(m*(x^2+y^2))] See also: """ def __init__(self, mass: Union[float, np.ndarray] = None, x_cg: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., y_cg: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., z_cg: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., Ixx: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., Iyy: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., Izz: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., Ixy: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., Iyz: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., Ixz: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0., ): """ Initializes a new MassProperties object. Axes can be given in any convenient axes system, as long as mass properties are not combined across different axis systems. For aircraft design, the most common axis system is typically geometry axes (x-positive aft, y-positive out the right wingtip, z-positive upwards). Args: mass: Mass of the component [kg] x_cg: X-location of the center of gravity of the component [m] y_cg: Y-location of the center of gravity of the component [m] z_cg: Z-location of the center of gravity of the component [m] Ixx: Respective component of the inertia tensor, as measured about the component's center of mass. 0 if this is a point mass. Iyy: Respective component of the inertia tensor, as measured about the component's center of mass. 0 if this is a point mass. Izz: Respective component of the inertia tensor, as measured about the component's center of mass. 0 if this is a point mass. Ixy: Respective component of the inertia tensor, as measured about the component's center of mass. 0 if this is symmetric about z. Iyz: Respective component of the inertia tensor, as measured about the component's center of mass. 0 if this is symmetric about x. Ixz: Respective component of the inertia tensor, as measured about the component's center of mass. 0 if this is symmetric about y. """ if mass is None: import warnings warnings.warn( "Defining a MassProperties object with zero mass. This can cause problems (divide-by-zero) in dynamics calculations, if this is not intended.\nTo silence this warning, please explicitly set `mass=0` in the MassProperties constructor.", stacklevel=2 ) mass = 0 self.mass = mass self.x_cg = x_cg self.y_cg = y_cg self.z_cg = z_cg self.Ixx = Ixx self.Iyy = Iyy self.Izz = Izz self.Ixy = Ixy self.Iyz = Iyz self.Ixz = Ixz
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: def fmt(x: Union[float, Any], width=14) -> str: if isinstance(x, (float, int)): if x == 0: x = "0" else: return f"{x:.8g}".rjust(width) return trim_string(str(x).rjust(width), length=40) return "\n".join([ "MassProperties instance:", f" Mass : {fmt(self.mass)}", f" Center of Gravity : ({fmt(self.x_cg)}, {fmt(self.y_cg)}, {fmt(self.z_cg)})", f" Inertia Tensor : ", f" (about CG) [{fmt(self.Ixx)}, {fmt(self.Ixy)}, {fmt(self.Ixz)}]", f" [{fmt(self.Ixy)}, {fmt(self.Iyy)}, {fmt(self.Iyz)}]", f" [{fmt(self.Ixz)}, {fmt(self.Iyz)}, {fmt(self.Izz)}]", ])
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index) -> "MassProperties": """ Indexes one item from each attribute of an MassProperties instance. Returns a new MassProperties instance. Args: index: The index that is being called; e.g.,: >>> first_mass_props = mass_props[0] Returns: A new MassProperties instance, where each attribute is subscripted at the given value, if possible. """ l = len(self) def get_item_of_attribute(a): if hasattr(a, "__len__") and hasattr(a, "__getitem__"): if len(a) == 1: return a[0] elif len(a) == l: return a[index] else: try: return a[index] except IndexError as e: raise IndexError(f"A state variable could not be indexed; it has length {len(a)} while the" f"parent has length {l}.") else: return a inputs = { "mass": self.mass, "x_cg": self.x_cg, "y_cg": self.y_cg, "z_cg": self.z_cg, "Ixx" : self.Ixx, "Iyy" : self.Iyy, "Izz" : self.Izz, "Ixy" : self.Ixy, "Iyz" : self.Iyz, "Ixz" : self.Ixz, } return self.__class__( **{ k: get_item_of_attribute(v) for k, v in inputs.items() } )
[docs] def __len__(self): length = 1 for v in [ self.mass, self.x_cg, self.y_cg, self.z_cg, self.Ixx, self.Iyy, self.Izz, self.Ixy, self.Iyz, self.Ixz, ]: lv = np.length(v) if lv != 1: if length == 1: length = lv elif length == lv: pass else: raise ValueError("State variables are appear vectorized, but of different lengths!") return length
[docs] def __array__(self, dtype="O"): """ Allows NumPy array creation without infinite recursion in __len__ and __getitem__. """ return np.fromiter([self], dtype=dtype).reshape(())
[docs] def __neg__(self) -> "MassProperties": return -1 * self
[docs] def __add__(self, other: "MassProperties") -> "MassProperties": """ Combines one MassProperties object with another. """ if not isinstance(other, MassProperties): raise TypeError("MassProperties objects can only be added to other MassProperties objects.") total_mass = self.mass + other.mass total_x_cg = (self.mass * self.x_cg + other.mass * other.x_cg) / total_mass total_y_cg = (self.mass * self.y_cg + other.mass * other.y_cg) / total_mass total_z_cg = (self.mass * self.z_cg + other.mass * other.z_cg) / total_mass self_inertia_tensor_elements = self.get_inertia_tensor_about_point( x=total_x_cg, y=total_y_cg, z=total_z_cg, return_tensor=False ) other_inertia_tensor_elements = other.get_inertia_tensor_about_point( x=total_x_cg, y=total_y_cg, z=total_z_cg, return_tensor=False ) total_inertia_tensor_elements = [ I__ + J__ for I__, J__ in zip( self_inertia_tensor_elements, other_inertia_tensor_elements ) ] return MassProperties( mass=total_mass, x_cg=total_x_cg, y_cg=total_y_cg, z_cg=total_z_cg, Ixx=total_inertia_tensor_elements[0], Iyy=total_inertia_tensor_elements[1], Izz=total_inertia_tensor_elements[2], Ixy=total_inertia_tensor_elements[3], Iyz=total_inertia_tensor_elements[4], Ixz=total_inertia_tensor_elements[5], )
[docs] def __radd__(self, other: "MassProperties") -> "MassProperties": """ Allows sum() to work with MassProperties objects. Basically, makes addition commutative. """ if other == 0: return self else: return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other: "MassProperties") -> "MassProperties": """ Subtracts one MassProperties object from another. (opposite of __add__() ) """ return self.__add__(-other)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: float) -> "MassProperties": """ Returns a new MassProperties object that is equivalent to if you had summed together N (with `other` interpreted as N) identical MassProperties objects. """ return MassProperties( mass=self.mass * other, x_cg=self.x_cg, y_cg=self.y_cg, z_cg=self.z_cg, Ixx=self.Ixx * other, Iyy=self.Iyy * other, Izz=self.Izz * other, Ixy=self.Ixy * other, Iyz=self.Iyz * other, Ixz=self.Ixz * other, )
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other: float) -> "MassProperties": """ Allows multiplication of a scalar by a MassProperties object. Makes multiplication commutative. """ return self.__mul__(other)
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other: float) -> "MassProperties": """ Returns a new MassProperties object that is equivalent to if you had divided the mass of the current MassProperties object by a factor. """ return self.__mul__(1 / other)
[docs] def allclose(self, other: "MassProperties", rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8, equal_nan=False ) -> bool: return all([ np.allclose( getattr(self, attribute), getattr(other, attribute), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan ) for attribute in [ "mass", "x_cg", "y_cg", "z_cg", "Ixx", "Iyy", "Izz", "Ixy", "Iyz", "Ixz", ] ])
[docs] def xyz_cg(self): return self.x_cg, self.y_cg, self.z_cg
[docs] def inertia_tensor(self): # Returns the inertia tensor about the component's centroid. return np.array( [[self.Ixx, self.Ixy, self.Ixz], [self.Ixy, self.Iyy, self.Iyz], [self.Ixz, self.Iyz, self.Izz]] )
[docs] def inv_inertia_tensor(self): """ Computes the inverse of the inertia tensor, in a slightly more efficient way than raw inversion by exploiting its known structure. If you are effectively using this inertia tensor to solve a linear system, you should use a linear algebra solve() method (ideally via Cholesky decomposition) instead, for best speed. """ iIxx, iIyy, iIzz, iIxy, iIyz, iIxz = np.linalg.inv_symmetric_3x3( m11=self.Ixx, m22=self.Iyy, m33=self.Izz, m12=self.Ixy, m23=self.Iyz, m13=self.Ixz, ) return np.array( [[iIxx, iIxy, iIxz], [iIxy, iIyy, iIyz], [iIxz, iIyz, iIzz]] )
[docs] def get_inertia_tensor_about_point(self, x: float = 0., y: float = 0., z: float = 0., return_tensor: bool = True, ): """ Returns the inertia tensor about an arbitrary point. Using Args: x: x-position of the new point, in the same axes as this MassProperties instance is specified in. y: y-position of the new point, in the same axes as this MassProperties instance is specified in. z: z-position of the new point, in the same axes as this MassProperties instance is specified in. return_tensor: A switch for the desired return type; see below for details. [boolean] Returns: If `return_tensor` is True: Returns the new inertia tensor, as a 2D numpy ndarray. If `return_tensor` is False: Returns the components of the new inertia tensor, as a tuple. If J is the new inertia tensor, the tuple returned is: (Jxx, Jyy, Jzz, Jxy, Jyz, Jxz) """ R = [x - self.x_cg, y - self.y_cg, z - self.z_cg] RdotR =, R, manual=True) Jxx = self.Ixx + self.mass * (RdotR - R[0] ** 2) Jyy = self.Iyy + self.mass * (RdotR - R[1] ** 2) Jzz = self.Izz + self.mass * (RdotR - R[2] ** 2) Jxy = self.Ixy - self.mass * R[0] * R[1] Jyz = self.Iyz - self.mass * R[1] * R[2] Jxz = self.Ixz - self.mass * R[2] * R[0] if return_tensor: return np.array([ [Jxx, Jxy, Jxz], [Jxy, Jyy, Jyz], [Jxz, Jyz, Jzz], ]) else: return Jxx, Jyy, Jzz, Jxy, Jyz, Jxz
[docs] def is_physically_possible(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether it's possible for this MassProperties object to correspond to the mass properties of a real physical object. Assumes that all physically-possible objects have a positive mass (or density). Some special edge cases: - A MassProperties object with mass of 0 (i.e., null object) will return True. Note: this will return True even if the inertia tensor is not zero (which would basically be infinitesimal point masses at infinite distance). - A MassProperties object that is a point mass (i.e., inertia tensor is all zeros) will return True. Returns: True if the MassProperties object is physically possible, False otherwise. """ ### This checks the basics impossible_conditions = [ self.mass < 0, self.Ixx < 0, self.Iyy < 0, self.Izz < 0, ] eigs = np.linalg.eig(self.inertia_tensor)[0] # ## This checks that the inertia tensor is positive definite, which is a necessary but not sufficient # condition for an inertia tensor to be physically possible. impossible_conditions.extend([ eigs[0] < 0, eigs[1] < 0, eigs[2] < 0, ]) # ## This checks the triangle inequality, which is a necessary but not sufficient condition for an inertia # tensor to be physically possible. impossible_conditions.extend([ eigs[0] + eigs[1] < eigs[2], eigs[0] + eigs[2] < eigs[1], eigs[1] + eigs[2] < eigs[0], ]) return not any(impossible_conditions)
[docs] def is_point_mass(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if this MassProperties object corresponds to a point mass, False otherwise. """ return np.allclose(self.inertia_tensor, 0)
[docs] def generate_possible_set_of_point_masses(self, method="optimization", check_if_already_a_point_mass: bool = True, ) -> List["MassProperties"]: """ Generates a set of point masses (represented as MassProperties objects with zero inertia tensors), that, when combined, would yield this MassProperties object. Note that there are an infinite number of possible sets of point masses that could yield this MassProperties object. This method returns one possible set of point masses, but there are many others. Example: >>> mp = MassProperties(mass=1, Ixx=1, Iyy=1, Izz=1, Ixy=0.1, Iyz=-0.1, Ixz=0.1) >>> point_masses = mp.generate_possible_set_of_point_masses() >>> mp.allclose(sum(point_masses)) # Asserts these are equal, within tolerance True Args: method: The method to use to generate the set of point masses. Currently, only "optimization" is supported. Returns: A list of MassProperties objects, each of which is a point mass (i.e., zero inertia tensor). """ if check_if_already_a_point_mass: if self.is_point_mass(): return [self] if method == "optimization": from aerosandbox.optimization import Opti opti = Opti() approximate_radius = (self.Ixx + self.Iyy + self.Izz) ** 0.5 / self.mass + 1e-16 point_masses = [ MassProperties( mass=self.mass / 4, x_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.x_cg - approximate_radius, scale=approximate_radius), y_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.y_cg, scale=approximate_radius), z_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.z_cg, scale=approximate_radius), ), MassProperties( mass=self.mass / 4, x_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.x_cg, scale=approximate_radius), y_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.y_cg, scale=approximate_radius), z_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.z_cg + approximate_radius, scale=approximate_radius), ), MassProperties( mass=self.mass / 4, x_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.x_cg, scale=approximate_radius), y_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.y_cg, scale=approximate_radius), z_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.z_cg - approximate_radius, scale=approximate_radius), ), MassProperties( mass=self.mass / 4, x_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.x_cg, scale=approximate_radius), y_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.y_cg + approximate_radius, scale=approximate_radius), z_cg=opti.variable(init_guess=self.z_cg, scale=approximate_radius), ), ] mass_props_reconstructed = sum(point_masses) # Add constraints opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.x_cg == self.x_cg) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.y_cg == self.y_cg) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.z_cg == self.z_cg) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.Ixx == self.Ixx) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.Iyy == self.Iyy) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.Izz == self.Izz) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.Ixy == self.Ixy) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.Iyz == self.Iyz) opti.subject_to(mass_props_reconstructed.Ixz == self.Ixz) opti.subject_to(point_masses[0].y_cg == self.y_cg) opti.subject_to(point_masses[0].z_cg == self.z_cg) opti.subject_to(point_masses[1].y_cg == self.y_cg) opti.subject_to(point_masses[0].x_cg < point_masses[1].x_cg) return opti.solve(verbose=False)(point_masses) elif method == "barbell": raise NotImplementedError("Barbell method not yet implemented!") principle_inertias, principle_axes = np.linalg.eig(self.inertia_tensor) else: raise ValueError("Bad value of `method` argument!")
[docs] def export_AVL_mass_file(self, filename, ) -> None: """ Exports this MassProperties object to an AVL mass file. Note: AVL uses the SolidWorks convention for inertia tensors, which is different from the typical mathematical convention, and the convention used by this MassProperties class. In short, these differ by a sign flip in the products of inertia. More details available in the MassProperties docstring. See also: Args: filename: The filename to export to. Returns: None """ lines = [ "Lunit = 1.0 m", "Munit = 1.0 kg", "Tunit = 1.0 s", "", "g = 9.81", "rho = 1.225", "", ] def fmt(x: float) -> str: return f"{x:.8g}".ljust(14) lines.extend([ " ".join([ s.ljust(14) for s in [ "# mass", "x_cg", "y_cg", "z_cg", "Ixx", "Iyy", "Izz", "Ixy", "Ixz", "Iyz", ] ]), " ".join([ fmt(x) for x in [ self.mass, self.x_cg, self.y_cg, self.z_cg, self.Ixx, self.Iyy, self.Izz, -self.Ixy, -self.Ixz, -self.Iyz, ] ]) ]) with open(filename, "w+") as f: f.write("\n".join(lines))
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] mp1 = MassProperties( mass=1 )
mp2 = MassProperties( mass=1, x_cg=1 ) mps = mp1 + mp2 assert mps.x_cg == 0.5 assert mp1 + mp2 - mp2 == mp1 r = lambda: np.random.randn() valid = False while not valid: mass_props = MassProperties( mass=r(), x_cg=r(), y_cg=r(), z_cg=r(), Ixx=r(), Iyy=r(), Izz=r(), Ixy=r(), Iyz=r(), Ixz=r(), ) valid = mass_props.is_physically_possible() # adds a bunch of checks