Source code for aerosandbox.visualization.plotly_Figure3D

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import aerosandbox.numpy as np

[docs]def reflect_over_XZ_plane(input_vector): """ Takes in a vector or an array and flips the y-coordinates. :param input_vector: A vector or list of vectors to flip. :return: Vector with flipped sign on y-coordinate. """ shape = input_vector.shape if len(shape) == 1: return input_vector * np.array([1, -1, 1]) elif len(shape) == 2: if not shape[1] == 3: raise ValueError("The function expected either a 3-element vector or a Nx3 array!") return input_vector * np.array([1, -1, 1]) else: raise ValueError("The function expected either a 3-element vector or a Nx3 array!")
[docs]class Figure3D: def __init__(self): self.fig = go.Figure() # Vertices of the faces self.x_face = [] self.y_face = [] self.z_face = [] # Connectivity and color of the faces self.i_face = [] self.j_face = [] self.k_face = [] self.intensity_face = [] # Vertices of the lines self.x_line = [] self.y_line = [] self.z_line = [] # Vertices of the streamlines self.x_streamline = [] self.y_streamline = [] self.z_streamline = []
[docs] def add_line(self, points, mirror=False, ): """ Adds a line (or series of lines) to draw. :param points: an iterable with an arbitrary number of items. Each item is a 3D point, represented as an iterable of length 3. :param mirror: Should we also draw a version that's mirrored over the XZ plane? [boolean] :return: None E.g. add_line([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)]) """ for p in points: self.x_line.append(float(p[0])) self.y_line.append(float(p[1])) self.z_line.append(float(p[2])) self.x_line.append(None) self.y_line.append(None) self.z_line.append(None) if mirror: reflected_points = [reflect_over_XZ_plane(point) for point in points] self.add_line( points=reflected_points, mirror=False )
[docs] def add_streamline(self, points, mirror=False, ): """ Adds a line (or series of lines) to draw. :param points: an iterable with an arbitrary number of items. Each item is a 3D point, represented as an iterable of length 3. :param mirror: Should we also draw a version that's mirrored over the XZ plane? [boolean] :return: None E.g. add_line([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)]) """ for p in points: self.x_streamline.append(float(p[0])) self.y_streamline.append(float(p[1])) self.z_streamline.append(float(p[2])) self.x_streamline.append(None) self.y_streamline.append(None) self.z_streamline.append(None) if mirror: reflected_points = [reflect_over_XZ_plane(point) for point in points] self.add_streamline( points=reflected_points, mirror=False )
[docs] def add_tri(self, points, intensity=0, outline=False, mirror=False, ): """ Adds a triangular face to draw. :param points: an iterable with 3 items. Each item is a 3D point, represented as an iterable of length 3. :param intensity: Intensity associated with this face :param outline: Do you want to outline this triangle? [boolean] :param mirror: Should we also draw a version that's mirrored over the XZ plane? [boolean] :return: None E.g. add_face([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)]) """ if not len(points) == 3: raise ValueError("'points' must have exactly 3 items!") for p in points: self.x_face.append(float(p[0])) self.y_face.append(float(p[1])) self.z_face.append(float(p[2])) self.intensity_face.append(intensity) indices_added = np.arange(len(self.x_face) - 3, len(self.x_face)) self.i_face.append(indices_added[0]) self.j_face.append(indices_added[1]) self.k_face.append(indices_added[2]) if outline: self.add_line(list(points) + [points[0]]) if mirror: reflected_points = [reflect_over_XZ_plane(point) for point in points] self.add_tri( points=reflected_points, intensity=intensity, outline=outline, mirror=False )
[docs] def add_quad(self, points, intensity=0, outline=True, mirror=False, ): """ Adds a quadrilateral face to draw. All points should be (approximately) coplanar if you want it to look right. :param points: an iterable with 4 items. Each item is a 3D point, represented as an iterable of length 3. Points should be given in sequential order. :param intensity: Intensity associated with this face :param outline: Do you want to outline this quad? [boolean] :param mirror: Should we also draw a version that's mirrored over the XZ plane? [boolean] :return: None E.g. add_face([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)]) """ if not len(points) == 4: raise ValueError("'points' must have exactly 4 items!") for p in points: self.x_face.append(float(p[0])) self.y_face.append(float(p[1])) self.z_face.append(float(p[2])) self.intensity_face.append(intensity) indices_added = np.arange(len(self.x_face) - 4, len(self.x_face)) self.i_face.append(indices_added[0]) self.j_face.append(indices_added[1]) self.k_face.append(indices_added[2]) self.i_face.append(indices_added[0]) self.j_face.append(indices_added[2]) self.k_face.append(indices_added[3]) if outline: self.add_line(list(points) + [points[0]]) if mirror: reflected_points = [reflect_over_XZ_plane(point) for point in points] self.add_quad( points=reflected_points, intensity=intensity, outline=outline, mirror=False )
[docs] def draw(self, show=True, title="", colorbar_title="", colorscale="viridis", ): # Draw faces self.fig.add_trace( go.Mesh3d( x=self.x_face, y=self.y_face, z=self.z_face, i=self.i_face, j=self.j_face, k=self.k_face, flatshading=False, intensity=self.intensity_face, colorbar=dict(title=colorbar_title), colorscale=colorscale, showscale=colorbar_title is not None ), ) # Draw lines self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter3d( x=self.x_line, y=self.y_line, z=self.z_line, mode='lines', name='', line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)', width=3), showlegend=False, ) ) # Draw streamlines self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter3d( x=self.x_streamline, y=self.y_streamline, z=self.z_streamline, mode='lines', name='', line=dict(color='rgba(119,0,255,200)', width=1), showlegend=False, ) ) self.fig.update_layout( title=title, scene=dict(aspectmode='data'), ) if show: return self.fig
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] fig = Figure3D()