Source code for

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union, Callable, List
from scipy import interpolate
from import eng_string
import seaborn as sns

[docs]def pie( values: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]], names: List[str], colors: Union[np.ndarray, List[str]] = None, label_format: Callable[[str, float, float], str] = lambda name, value, percentage: name, sort_by: Union[np.ndarray, List[float], str, None] = None, startangle: float = 0., center_text: str = None, x_labels: float = 1.25, y_max_labels: float = 1.3, arm_length=20, arm_radius=5, ): # TODO docs ax = plt.gca() n_wedges = len(values) ### Check inputs if not len(names) == n_wedges: raise ValueError() # TODO ### Sort by sort_by_error= ValueError('''Argument `sort_by` must be one of:\n * a string of "values", "names", or "colors" * an array of numbers corresponding to each pie slice, which will then be used for sorting ''') if sort_by is None: sort_by = np.arange(n_wedges) elif sort_by == "values": sort_by=values elif sort_by=="names": sort_by=names elif sort_by=="colors": sort_by=colors # this might not make sense, depending on elif isinstance(sort_by, str): raise sort_by_error order = np.argsort(sort_by) names = np.array(names)[order] values=np.array(values)[order] if colors is None: # Set default colors colors = sns.color_palette("husl", n_colors=n_wedges) else: colors=np.array(colors)[order] ### Compute percentages values = np.array(values).astype(float) total = np.sum(values) percentages = 100 * values / total wedges, texts = ax.pie( x=values, colors=colors, startangle=startangle, wedgeprops=dict( width=0.3 ) ) for w in wedges: w.theta_mid = (w.theta1 + w.theta2) / 2 w.x_pie = np.cos(np.deg2rad(w.theta_mid)) w.y_pie = np.sin(np.deg2rad(w.theta_mid)) w.is_right = w.x_pie > 0 left_wedges = [w for w in wedges if not w.is_right] right_wedges = [w for w in wedges if w.is_right] y_texts_left = y_max_labels * np.linspace(-1, 1, len(left_wedges)) y_texts_right = y_max_labels * np.linspace(-1, 1, len(right_wedges)) if len(left_wedges) == 1: y_texts_left = [w.y_pie for w in left_wedges] if len(right_wedges) == 1: y_texts_right = [w.y_pie for w in right_wedges] left_wedge_order = np.argsort([w.y_pie for w in left_wedges]) for i, w in enumerate(np.array(left_wedges, "O")[left_wedge_order]): w.y_text = y_texts_left[i] right_wedge_order = np.argsort([w.y_pie for w in right_wedges]) for i, w in enumerate(np.array(right_wedges, "O")[right_wedge_order]): w.y_text = y_texts_right[i] for i, w in enumerate(wedges): x_text = x_labels * np.sign(w.x_pie) ax.annotate( text=label_format(names[i], values[i], percentages[i]), xy=(w.x_pie, w.y_pie), xytext=(x_text, w.y_text), horizontalalignment="left" if w.is_right else "right", arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="-", color="k", connectionstyle=f"arc,angleA={180 if w.is_right else 0},angleB={w.theta_mid},armA={arm_length},armB={arm_length},rad={arm_radius}", relpos=( 0 if w.is_right else 1, 0.5 ) ), va="center", ) if center_text is not None: plt.text( x=0, y=0, s=center_text, ha="center", va="center", fontsize=16, )
if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as p
[docs] data = { "USA" : 336997624, "Mexico" : 126705138, "Canada" : 38115012, "Guatemala" : 17608483, "Haiti" : 11447569, "Cuba" : 11256372, "Dominican Republic": 11117873, "Honduras" : 10278345, "Nicaragua" : 6850540, "El Salvador" : 6314167, "Costa Rica" : 5153957, "Panama" : 4351267, }
data["Other"] = 597678511 - np.sum(np.array(list(data.values()))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5)) pie( values=list(data.values()), names=list(data.keys()), colors=[ "navy" if s in ["USA"] else "lightgray" for s in data.keys() ], label_format=lambda name, value, percentage: f"{name}, {eng_string(value)} ({percentage:.0f}%)", startangle=40, center_text="Majority of North\nAmerica's Population\nlives in USA" ) p.show_plot() # import pandas as pd # from io import StringIO # # df = pd.read_csv( # StringIO("""\ # person,slices eaten,gender # alice,9,woman # bob,6,man # charlie,5,man # dan,8,man # eve,7,woman # frank,9,man # grace,4,woman # heidi,3,woman # """) # ) # # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) # pie( # values=df['slices eaten'], # names=df['person'], # colors=['blue' if g == 'man' else 'red' for g in df['gender']], # label_format=lambda n, v, p: f"{n.capitalize()}, {v:.0g} ({p:.0f}%)", # # sort_by=df[] # ) # p.show_plot()