Source code for

import inspect
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Optional, Set, Any
from pathlib import Path
from import has_balanced_parentheses
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_caller_source_location( stacklevel: int = 1, ) -> (Path, int, str): """ Gets the file location where this function itself (`get_caller_source_location()`) is called. This is not usually useful by itself. However, with the use of the `stacklevel` argument, you can get the call location at any point arbitrarily high up in the call stack from this function. This potentially lets you determine the file location where any Python object was declared. Examples: Consider the file below (and assume we somehow have this function in scope): >>> def my_func(): >>> print( >>> get_caller_source_location(stacklevel=2) >>> ) >>> >>> if_you_can_see_this_it_works = my_func() This will print out the following: (/path/to/, 5, "if_you_can_see_this_it_works = my_func()\n") Args: stacklevel: Choose the level of the stack that you want to retrieve source code at. Higher integers will get you higher (i.e., more end-user-facing) in the stack. Same behaviour as the `stacklevel` argument in warnings.warn(). Returns: A tuple of: (filename, lineno, code_context) * `filename`: a Path object (see `pathlib.Path` from the standard Python library) of the file where this function was called. * `lineno`: the line number in the file where this function was called. * `code_context`: the immediate line of code where this function was called. A string. Note that, in the case of multiline statements, this may not be a complete Python expression. Includes the trailing newline character ("\n") at the end. """ ### Go up `stacklevel` frames from the current one to get to the caller frame. frame = inspect.currentframe() for _ in range(stacklevel): frame = frame.f_back ### Extract the frame info (an `inspect.Traceback` type) from the caller frame frame_info: inspect.Traceback = inspect.getframeinfo(frame) filename = Path(frame_info.filename) lineno = frame_info.lineno if frame_info.code_context is not None: code_context = "".join(frame_info.code_context) else: code_context = "" return filename, lineno, code_context
[docs]def get_source_code_from_location( filename: Union[Path, str], lineno: int, code_context: str = None, strip_lines: bool = False ) -> str: """ Gets the source code of the single statement that begins at the file location specified. File location must, at a minimum, contain the filename and the line number. Optionally, you can also provide `code_context`. These should have the format: * `filename`: a Path object (see `pathlib.Path` from the standard Python library) of the file where this function was called. * `lineno`: the line number in the file where this function was called. Optionally, you can also provide `code_context`, which has the format: * `code_context`: the immediate line of code where this function was called. A string. Note that, in the case of multiline statements, this may not be a complete Python expression. You can get source code from further up the call stack by using the `stacklevel` argument. Args: filename: a Path object (see `pathlib.Path` from the standard Python library) of the file where this function was called. Alternatively, a string containing a filename. lineno: the line number in the file where this function was called. An integer. Should refer to the first line of a string in question. code_context: Optional. Should be a string containing the immediate line of code at this location. If provided, allows short-circuiting (bypassing file I/O) if the line is a complete expression. strip_lines: A boolean flag about whether or not to strip leading and trailing whitespace off each line of a multi-line function call. See the built-in string method `str.strip()` for behaviour. Returns: The source code of the call, as a string. Might be a multi-line string (i.e., contains '\n' characters) if the call is multi-line. Almost certainly (but not guaranteed due to edge cases) to be a complete Python expression. """ ### If Python's auto-extracted "code context" is a compete statement, then you're done here. if code_context is not None: if has_balanced_parentheses(code_context): return code_context ### Initialize the caller source lines, which is a list of strings that contain the source for the call. source_lines: List[str] = [] ### Read the source lines of code surrounding the call try: with open(filename, "r") as f: # Read the file containing the call for _ in range(lineno - 1): # Skip the first N lines of code, until you get to the call f.readline() # Unfortunately there's no way around this, since you need to find the "\n" encodings in the file parenthesis_level = 0 # Track the number of "(" and ")" characters, so you know when the function call is complete def add_line() -> None: """ Adds the subsequent line to the caller source lines (`caller_source_lines`). In-place. """ line = f.readline() if strip_lines: line = line.strip() nonlocal parenthesis_level # TODO add "\" support for char in line: if char == "(": parenthesis_level += 1 elif char == ")": parenthesis_level -= 1 source_lines.append(line) ### Get the first line, which is always part of the function call, and includes the opening parenthesis add_line() ### Do subsequent lines while parenthesis_level > 0: add_line() except OSError as e: raise FileNotFoundError( "\n".join([ "Couldn't retrieve source code at this stack level, because the source code file couldn't be opened for some reason.", "One common possible reason is that you're referring to an IPython console with a multi-line statement." ]) ) source = "".join(source_lines) return source
[docs]def get_caller_source_code( stacklevel: int = 1, strip_lines: bool = False ) -> str: """ Gets the source code of wherever this function is called. You can get source code from further up the call stack by using the `stacklevel` argument. Args: stacklevel: Choose the level of the stack that you want to retrieve source code at. Higher integers will get you higher (i.e., more end-user-facing) in the stack. Same behaviour as the `stacklevel` argument in warnings.warn(). strip_lines: A boolean flag about whether or not to strip leading and trailing whitespace off each line of a multi-line function call. See the built-in string method `str.strip()` for behaviour. Returns: The source code of the call, as a string. Might be a multi-line string (i.e., contains '\n' characters) if the call is multi-line. Almost certainly (but not guaranteed due to edge cases) to be a complete Python expression. """ filename, lineno, code_context = get_caller_source_location( stacklevel=stacklevel + 1 ) return get_source_code_from_location( filename=filename, lineno=lineno, code_context=code_context, strip_lines=strip_lines )
[docs]def get_function_argument_names_from_source_code(source_code: str) -> List[str]: """ Gets the names of the function arguments found in a particular line of source code. Specifically, it retrieves the names of the arguments in the first function call found in the source code string. If the source code line is an assignment statement, only the right-hand-side of the line is analyzed. Also, removes all line breaks ('\n'). Examples function inputs and outputs: "f(a, b)" -> ['a', 'b'] "f(a,b)" -> ['a', 'b'] "f(\na,\nb)" -> ['a', 'b'] "g = f(a, b)" -> ['a', 'b'] "g.h = f(a, b)" -> ['a', 'b'] "g.h() = f(a, b)" -> ['a', 'b'] "g.h(i=j) = f(a, b)" -> ['a', 'b'] "f(a, b) + g(h)" -> ['a', 'b'] "f(a: int, b: MyType())" -> ['a', 'b'] "f(a, b).g(c, d)" -> ['a', 'b'] "f(a(b), c)" -> ['a(b)', 'c'] "f(a(b,c), d)" -> ['a(b,c)', 'd'] "f({a:b}, c)" -> ['{a:b}', 'c'] "f(a[b], c)" -> ['a[b]', 'c'] "f({a:b, c:d}, e)" -> ['{a:b, c:d}', 'e'] "f({a:b,\nc:d}, e)" -> ['{a:b,c:d}', 'e'] "f(dict(a=b,c=d), e)" -> ['dict(a=b,c=d)', 'e'] "f(a=1, b=2)" -> ['a=1', 'b=2'] "f()" -> [''] "f(a, [i for i in l])" -> ['a', '[i for i in l]'], "f(incomplete, " -> raises ValueError "3 + 5" -> raises ValueError "" -> raises ValueError Args: source_code: A line of Python source code that includes a function call. Can be a multi-line piece of source code (e.g., includes '\n'). Returns: A list of strings containing all the function arguments. If keyword arguments are found, includes both the key and the value, as-written. """ assignment_equals_index = 0 parenthesis_level = 0 for i, char in enumerate(source_code): if char == "(": parenthesis_level += 1 elif char == ")": parenthesis_level -= 1 elif char == "=" and parenthesis_level == 0: assignment_equals_index = i + 1 break source_code_rhs = source_code[assignment_equals_index:] source_code_rhs = source_code_rhs.replace("\n", "") parenthesis_level = 0 braces_level = 0 for i, char in enumerate(source_code_rhs): if char == "(": parenthesis_level += 1 break if parenthesis_level == 0: raise ValueError("No function call was found in the source code provided!") arg_names: List[str] = [] current_arg = "" in_type_hinting_block = False while parenthesis_level != 0: i += 1 if i >= len(source_code_rhs): raise ValueError("Couldn't match all parentheses, so this doesn't look like valid code!") char = source_code_rhs[i] if char == "(": parenthesis_level += 1 elif char == ")": parenthesis_level -= 1 elif char == "{": braces_level += 1 elif char == "}": braces_level -= 1 if char == "," and parenthesis_level == 1 and braces_level == 0: arg_names.append(current_arg) current_arg = "" in_type_hinting_block = False elif char == ":" and parenthesis_level == 1 and braces_level == 0: in_type_hinting_block = True elif parenthesis_level >= 1 and not in_type_hinting_block: current_arg += char arg_names.append(current_arg.strip()) def clean(s: str) -> str: return s.strip() arg_names = [ clean(arg) for arg in arg_names ] return arg_names
[docs]def codegen( x: Any, indent_str: str = " ", _required_imports: Optional[Set[str]] = None, _recursion_depth: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[str, Set[str]]: """ Attempts to generate a string of Python code that, when evaluated, would produce the same value as the input. Also generates the required imports for the code to run. In other words, in general, the following should evaluate True: >>> code, imports = codegen(x) >>> for import_str in imports: >>> exec(import_str) >>> eval(code) == x # Should evaluate True Not guaranteed to work for all inputs, but should work for most common cases. Args: x: The object to generate the code of. indent_str: The string to use for indentation. Defaults to four spaces. _required_imports: A set of strings containing the names of all required imports. This is an internal argument that should not be used by the user. _recursion_depth: The current recursion depth. This is an internal argument that should not be used by the user. Returns: A tuple containing: - The string of Python code that, when evaluated, would produce the same value as the input. - A set of strings that, when evaluated, would import all the required imports for the code to run. Examples: >>> codegen(5) ('5', set()) >>> codegen([1, 2, 3]) ('[1, 2, 3]', set()) >>> codegen(np.array([1, 2, 3])) ('np.array([1, 2, 3])', {'import numpy as np'}) >>> codegen(dict(my_int=4, my_array=np.array([1, 2, 3]))) ('{ 'my_int': 4, 'my_array': np.array([1, 2, 3]), }', {'import numpy as np'}) """ ### Set defaults if _required_imports is None: _required_imports = set() import_aliases = { "aerosandbox" : "asb", "aerosandbox.numpy": "np", "numpy" : "np", } indent = indent_str * _recursion_depth next_indent = indent_str * (_recursion_depth + 1) if isinstance(x, ( bool, str, int, float, complex, range, type(None), bytes, bytearray, memoryview )): code = repr(x) elif isinstance(x, list): if len(x) == 0: code = "[]" else: lines = [] lines.append("[") for xi in x: item_code, item_required_imports = codegen(xi, _recursion_depth=_recursion_depth + 1) _required_imports.update(item_required_imports) lines.append(next_indent + item_code + ",") lines.append(indent + "]") code = "\n".join(lines) elif isinstance(x, tuple): if len(x) == 0: code = "()" else: lines = [] lines.append("(") for xi in x: item_code, item_required_imports = codegen(xi, _recursion_depth=_recursion_depth + 1) _required_imports.update(item_required_imports) lines.append(next_indent + item_code + ",") lines.append(indent + ")") code = "\n".join(lines) elif isinstance(x, (set, frozenset)): if len(x) == 0: code = "set()" else: lines = [] lines.append("{") for xi in x: item_code, item_required_imports = codegen(xi, _recursion_depth=_recursion_depth + 1) _required_imports.update(item_required_imports) lines.append(next_indent + item_code + ",") lines.append(indent + "}") code = "\n".join(lines) elif isinstance(x, dict): if len(x) == 0: code = "{}" else: lines = [] lines.append("{") for k, v in x.items(): k_code, k_required_imports = codegen(k, _recursion_depth=_recursion_depth + 1) v_code, v_required_imports = codegen(v, _recursion_depth=_recursion_depth + 1) _required_imports.update(k_required_imports) _required_imports.update(v_required_imports) lines.append(next_indent + k_code + ": " + v_code + ",") lines.append(indent + "}") code = "\n".join(lines) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): _required_imports.add("import numpy as np") code = f"np.{repr(x)}" else: # At this point, we assume it's a class instance, and could be from any package. module_name = x.__class__.__module__ package_name = module_name.split(".")[0] if package_name == "builtins": pre_string = "" # elif package_name in import_aliases: # pre_string = import_aliases[package_name] + "." else: _required_imports.add( f"from {module_name} import {x.__class__.__name__}" ) lines = [] lines.append(x.__class__.__name__ + "(") for arg_name in inspect.getfullargspec(x.__init__).args[1:]: if hasattr(x, arg_name): arg_value = getattr(x, arg_name) if inspect.ismethod(arg_value) or inspect.isfunction(arg_value): continue arg_code, arg_required_imports = codegen(arg_value, _recursion_depth=_recursion_depth + 1) _required_imports.update(arg_required_imports) lines.append(next_indent + arg_name + "=" + arg_code + ",") lines.append(indent + ")") code = "\n".join(lines) return code, _required_imports
# # if _recursion_depth == 0: # if len(_required_imports) > 0: # imports = "\n".join(sorted(_required_imports)) # return imports + "\n\n" + code # # else: # return code # else: # return code, _required_imports if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] def dashes(): """A quick macro for drawing some dashes, to make the terminal output clearer to distinguish.""" print("\n" + "-" * 50 + "\n")
dashes() print("Caller location:\n", get_caller_source_location(stacklevel=1)) dashes() print("Caller source code:\n", get_caller_source_code(stacklevel=1)) dashes() def my_func(): print( get_caller_source_code( stacklevel=2 ) ) print("Caller source code of a function call:") if_you_can_see_this_it_works = my_func() dashes() print("Arguments of f(a, b):") print( get_function_argument_names_from_source_code("f(a, b)") ) location = get_caller_source_location() dashes() print("Codegen test:") def pc(x): code, imports = codegen(x) print("\n".join(sorted(imports))) print(code + "\n" + "-" * 50) pc(1) pc([1, 2, 3]) pc([1, 2, [3, 4, 5], 6]) pc({"a": 1, "b": 2}) pc(np.array([1, 2, 3])) pc(dict(myarray=np.array([1, 2, 3]), yourarray=np.arange(10)))