Source code for

import time
from typing import Tuple, Any, Callable
import aerosandbox.numpy as np

[docs]class Timer(object): """ A context manager for timing things. Use it like this: with Timer("My timer"): # You can optionally give it a name # Do stuff Results are printed to stdout. You can access the runtime (in seconds) directly by instantiating the object: >>> t = Timer("My timer") >>> t.tic() >>> # Do stuff >>> print(t.toc()) Nested timers are also supported. For example, this code: >>> with Timer("a"): >>> with Timer("b"): >>> with Timer("c"): >>> f() prints the following console output: [a] Timing... [b] Timing... [c] Timing... [c] Elapsed: 100 msec [b] Elapsed: 100 msec [a] Elapsed: 100 msec """
[docs] number_running: int = 0 # The number of Timers currently running
def __init__(self, name: str = None ): str = name self.runtime: float = np.nan
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " + ( "Running..." if np.isnan(self.runtime) else f"Finished, elapsed: ({self._format_time(self.runtime)})" )
[docs] def _format_time(time_seconds): from import eng_string from import units as u if time_seconds < u.minute: return eng_string(time_seconds, unit="sec") elif time_seconds < u.hour: return eng_string(time_seconds / u.minute, unit="min") elif time_seconds < return eng_string(time_seconds / u.hour, unit="hour") elif time_seconds < u.year: return eng_string(time_seconds /, unit="day") else: return eng_string(time_seconds / u.year, unit="year")
[docs] def _print(self, s: str, number_running_mod: int = 0): header = "\t" * (self.__class__.number_running - 1 + number_running_mod) if header += f"[{}] " print(header + s)
[docs] def tic(self): self.__class__.number_running += 1 self._print("Timing...") self.t_start = time.perf_counter_ns()
[docs] def __enter__(self): self.tic()
[docs] def toc(self) -> float: self.t_end = time.perf_counter_ns() self.__class__.number_running -= 1 self.runtime = (self.t_end - self.t_start) / 1e9 self._print( f"Elapsed: {self._format_time(self.runtime)}", number_running_mod=1 ) return self.runtime
[docs] def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.toc()
[docs]def time_function( func: Callable, repeats: int = None, desired_runtime: float = None, runtime_reduction=np.min, ) -> Tuple[float, Any]: """ Runs a given callable and tells you how long it took to run, in seconds. Also returns the result of the function (if any), for good measure. Args: func: The function to run. Should take no arguments; use a lambda function or functools.partial if you need to pass arguments. repeats: The number of times to run the function. If None, runs until desired_runtime is met. desired_runtime: The desired runtime of the function, in seconds. If None, runs until repeats is met. runtime_reduction: A function that takes in a list of runtimes and returns a reduced value. For example, np.min will return the minimum runtime, np.mean will return the mean runtime, etc. Default is np.min. Returns: A Tuple of (time_taken, result). - time_taken is a float of the time taken to run the function, in seconds. - result is the result of the function, if any. """ if (repeats is not None) and (desired_runtime is not None): raise ValueError("You can't specify both repeats and desired_runtime!") def time_function_once(): start_ns = time.perf_counter_ns() result = func() return ( (time.perf_counter_ns() - start_ns) / 1e9, result ) runtimes = [] t, result = time_function_once() if t == 0: t = 1e-2 else: runtimes.append(t) if (desired_runtime is not None) and (repeats is None): repeats = int(desired_runtime // t) - 1 # print(f"Running {func.__name__} {repeats} times to get a desired runtime of {desired_runtime} seconds.") if repeats is None: repeats = 0 for _ in range(repeats): t, _ = time_function_once() if t != 0: runtimes.append(t) if len(runtimes) == 0: runtimes = [0.] return ( runtime_reduction(runtimes), result )
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] def f(): time.sleep(0.1)
print(time_function(f, desired_runtime=1)) with Timer("a") as a: with Timer("b") as b: with Timer("c") as c: f() t = Timer() t.tic() time.sleep(0.1) print(t.toc())