Source code for aerosandbox.numpy.rotations

from aerosandbox.numpy import sin, cos, linalg
from aerosandbox.numpy.array import array
import numpy as _onp
from typing import Union, List

[docs]def rotation_matrix_2D( angle, as_array: bool = True, ): """ Gives the 2D rotation matrix associated with a counterclockwise rotation about an angle. Args: angle: Angle by which to rotate. Given in radians. as_array: Determines whether to return an array-like or just a simple list of lists. Returns: The 2D rotation matrix """ s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) rot = [ [c, -s], [s, c] ] if as_array: return array(rot) else: return rot
[docs]def rotation_matrix_3D( angle: Union[float, _onp.ndarray], axis: Union[_onp.ndarray, List, str], as_array: bool = True, axis_already_normalized: bool = False ): """ Yields the rotation matrix that corresponds to a rotation by a specified amount about a given axis. An implementation of Args: angle: The angle to rotate by. [radians] Direction of rotation corresponds to the right-hand rule. Can be vectorized. axis: The axis to rotate about. [ndarray] Can be vectorized; be sure axis[0] yields all the x-components, etc. as_array: boolean, returns a 3x3 array-like if True, and a list-of-lists otherwise. If you are intending to use this function vectorized, it is recommended you flag this False. (Or test before proceeding.) axis_already_normalized: boolean, skips axis normalization for speed if you flag this true. Returns: The rotation matrix, with type according to the parameter `as_array`. """ s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) if isinstance(axis, str): if axis.lower() == "x": rot = [ [1, 0, 0], [0, c, -s], [0, s, c] ] elif axis.lower() == "y": rot = [ [c, 0, s], [0, 1, 0], [-s, 0, c] ] elif axis.lower() == "z": rot = [ [c, -s, 0], [s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1] ] else: raise ValueError("If `axis` is a string, it must be `x`, `y`, or `z`.") else: ux = axis[0] uy = axis[1] uz = axis[2] if not axis_already_normalized: norm = (ux ** 2 + uy ** 2 + uz ** 2) ** 0.5 ux = ux / norm uy = uy / norm uz = uz / norm rot = [ [c + ux ** 2 * (1 - c), ux * uy * (1 - c) - uz * s, ux * uz * (1 - c) + uy * s], [uy * ux * (1 - c) + uz * s, c + uy ** 2 * (1 - c), uy * uz * (1 - c) - ux * s], [uz * ux * (1 - c) - uy * s, uz * uy * (1 - c) + ux * s, c + uz ** 2 * (1 - c)] ] if as_array: return array(rot) else: return rot
[docs]def rotation_matrix_from_euler_angles( roll_angle: Union[float, _onp.ndarray] = 0, pitch_angle: Union[float, _onp.ndarray] = 0, yaw_angle: Union[float, _onp.ndarray] = 0, as_array: bool = True ): """ Yields the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given Euler angle rotation. Note: This uses the standard (yaw, pitch, roll) Euler angle rotation, where: * First, a rotation about x is applied (roll) * Second, a rotation about y is applied (pitch) * Third, a rotation about z is applied (yaw) In other words: R = R_z(yaw) @ R_y(pitch) @ R_x(roll). Note: To use this, pre-multiply your vector to go from body axes to earth axes. Example: >>> vector_earth = rotation_matrix_from_euler_angles(np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4) @ vector_body See notes: Args: roll_angle: The roll angle, which is a rotation about the x-axis. [radians] pitch_angle: The pitch angle, which is a rotation about the y-axis. [radians] yaw_angle: The yaw angle, which is a rotation about the z-axis. [radians] as_array: If True, returns a 3x3 array-like. If False, returns a list-of-lists. Returns: """ sa = sin(yaw_angle) ca = cos(yaw_angle) sb = sin(pitch_angle) cb = cos(pitch_angle) sc = sin(roll_angle) cc = cos(roll_angle) rot = [ [ca * cb, ca * sb * sc - sa * cc, ca * sb * cc + sa * sc], [sa * cb, sa * sb * sc + ca * cc, sa * sb * cc - ca * sc], [-sb, cb * sc, cb * cc] ] if as_array: return array(rot) else: return rot
[docs]def is_valid_rotation_matrix( a: _onp.ndarray, tol=1e-9 ) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean of whether the given matrix satisfies the properties of a rotation matrix. Specifically, tests for: * Volume-preserving * Handedness of output reference frame * Orthogonality of output reference frame Args: a: The array-like to be tested tol: A tolerance to use for truthiness; accounts for floating-point error. Returns: A boolean of whether the array-like is a valid rotation matrix. """ def approx_equal(x, y): return (x > y - tol) and (x < y + tol) det = linalg.det(a) is_volume_preserving_and_right_handed = approx_equal(det, 1) eye_approx = a.T @ a eye = _onp.eye(a.shape[0]) is_orthogonality_preserving = True for i in range(eye.shape[0]): for j in range(eye.shape[1]): if not approx_equal(eye_approx[i, j], eye[i, j]): is_orthogonality_preserving = False return ( is_volume_preserving_and_right_handed and is_orthogonality_preserving )