Source code for aerosandbox.numpy.integrate

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
import casadi as _cas
from typing import Union, Callable, Tuple, Optional, Dict, Any, List
from scipy import integrate

[docs]def quad( func: Union[Callable, _cas.MX], a: float, b: float, full_output: bool = False, variable_of_integration: _cas.MX = None, ) -> Union[ Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float, dict] ]: if np.is_casadi_type(func): all_vars = _cas.symvar(func) # All variables found in the expression graph if variable_of_integration is None: if not len(all_vars) == 1: raise ValueError( f"`func` must be a function of one variable, or you must specify the `variable_of_integration`.\n" f"Currently, it is a function of: {all_vars}") variable_of_integration = all_vars[0] parameters = [ var for var in all_vars if not _cas.is_equal(var, variable_of_integration) ] integrator = _cas.integrator( 'integrator', 'cvodes', { 'x' : _cas.MX.sym('dummy_variable'), 'p' : _cas.vertcat(*parameters), 't' : variable_of_integration, 'ode': func, }, a, # t0 b, # tf { # Options 'abstol': 1e-8, 'reltol': 1e-6, }, ) res = integrator( x0=0, p=_cas.vertcat(*parameters), ) tol = 1e-8 if full_output: return res['xf'], tol, res else: return res['xf'], tol else: return integrate.quad( func=func, a=a, b=b, full_output=full_output, )
[docs]def solve_ivp( fun: Union[Callable, _cas.MX], t_span: Tuple[float, float], y0: Union[np.ndarray, _cas.MX], method: str = 'RK45', t_eval: Union[np.ndarray, _cas.MX] = None, dense_output: bool = False, events: Union[Callable, List[Callable]] = None, vectorized: bool = False, args: Optional[Tuple] = None, t_variable: _cas.MX = None, y_variables: Union[_cas.MX, Tuple[_cas.MX]] = None, **options ): # Determine which backend to use if np.is_casadi_type(fun, recursive=False): backend = "casadi_expr" else: try: f = np.array(fun(t_span[0], y0)) if np.is_casadi_type(f): backend = "casadi_func" else: try: np.asanyarray(f) except ValueError: raise ValueError("If `fun` is not a Callable, it must be a CasADi expression.") backend = "numpy_func" except TypeError: raise TypeError("If `fun` is not a Callable, it must be a CasADi expression.") # Do some checks if backend == "casadi_func" or backend == "numpy_func": if t_variable is not None: raise ValueError("If `fun` is a Callable, `t_variable` must be None (as it's implied).") if y_variables is not None: raise ValueError("If `fun` is a Callable, `y_variables` must be None (as they're implied).") if backend == "casadi_expr": if t_variable is None: raise ValueError( "If `fun` is a CasADi expression, `t_variable` must be specified (and the y_variables are inferred).") all_vars = _cas.symvar(fun) # All variables found in the expression graph # Determine y_variables by selecting all variables that are not t_variable if y_variables is None: y_variables = np.array([ var for var in all_vars if not _cas.is_equal(var, t_variable) ]) if backend == "numpy_func": return integrate.solve_ivp( fun=fun, t_span=t_span, y0=y0, method=method, t_eval=t_eval, dense_output=dense_output, events=events, vectorized=vectorized, args=args, **options ) elif backend == "casadi_func" or backend == "casadi_expr": # Exception on non-implemented options if dense_output: raise NotImplementedError("dense_output is not yet implemented for CasADi functions.") if events is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Events are not yet implemented for CasADi functions.") if args: raise NotImplementedError("args are not yet implemented for CasADi functions.") if not np.is_casadi_type(y0, recursive=False): y0 = _cas.vertcat(*y0) if backend == "casadi_func": t_variable = _cas.MX.sym("t") y_variables = _cas.MX.sym("y", y0.shape[0], y0.shape[1]) fun = np.array(fun(t_variable, y_variables)) """ At this point: * `fun` is a CasADi expression (cas.MX) * `t_variable` is a CasADi variable (cas.MX) * `y_variables` is a CasADi variable (cas.MX), possibly a vector of variables """ t0 = t_span[0] tf = t_span[1] # sim_time = t0 + (tf - t0) * t_variable ode = _cas.substitute( fun, t_variable, # from normalized time # (t_variable - t0) / (tf - t0), # to real time t0 + (tf - t0) * t_variable, # to real time ) * (tf - t0) # Find parameters by finding all variables in the expression graph that are not t_variable or y_variables all_vars = _cas.symvar(ode) # All variables found in the expression graph def variable_is_t_or_y(var): return ( _cas.is_equal(var, t_variable) or _cas.is_equal(var, y_variables) or any([_cas.is_equal(var, y_variables[i]) for i in range(]) ) parameters = _cas.vertcat(*[ var for var in all_vars if not variable_is_t_or_y(var) ]) simtime_eval = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) # Define the integrator integrator = _cas.integrator( 'integrator', 'cvodes', # 'idas', { 'x' : y_variables, 'p' : parameters, 't' : t_variable, 'ode' : ode, 'quad': 1, }, 0, simtime_eval, { # Options 'abstol': 1e-8, 'reltol': 1e-6, }, ) res = integrator( x0=y0, p=parameters, ) return integrate._ivp.ivp.OdeResult( t=t0 + (tf - t0) * res["qf"], y=res['xf'], t_events=None, y_events=None, nfev=0, njev=0, nlu=0, status=0, message="", success=True, sol=None, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid backend: {backend}")
if __name__ == '__main__': # t = cas.MX.sym("t") # print( # quad( # func=t ** 2, # a=0, # b=1, # ) # )
[docs] def lotkavolterra_func(t, z): a, b, c, d = 1.5, 1, 3, 1 z = _cas.MX(z) x = z[0] y = z[1] return [a * x - b * x * y, -c * y + d * x * y]
t_eval = np.linspace(0, 15, 3000) tf = _cas.MX.sym("tf") # t_eval = np.linspace(0, tf, 100) sol = solve_ivp( lotkavolterra_func, t_span=(t_eval[0], t_eval[-1]), # t_eval=t_eval, y0=[10, 5], ) z = sol.y import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot( _cas.evalf(_cas.substitute(sol.t.T, tf, 15)), _cas.evalf(_cas.substitute(sol.y.T, tf, 15)), ) plt.xlabel('t') plt.legend(['x', 'y'], shadow=True) plt.title('Lotka-Volterra System') t = _cas.MX.sym("t") m = _cas.MX.sym("m") n = _cas.MX.sym("n") a, b, c, d = 1.5, 1, 3, 1 lotkavolterra_expr = np.array([ a * m - b * m * n, -c * n + d * m * n, ]) sol = solve_ivp( lotkavolterra_expr, t_span=(t_eval[0], t_eval[-1]), t_eval=t_eval, y0=[10, 5], t_variable=t, # y_variables=[m, n], ) plt.plot( _cas.evalf(_cas.substitute(sol.t.T, tf, 15)), _cas.evalf(_cas.substitute(sol.y.T, tf, 15)), ) plt.xlabel('t') plt.legend(['x', 'y'], shadow=True) plt.title('Lotka-Volterra System')