Source code for aerosandbox.numpy.determine_type

import numpy as _onp
import casadi as _cas
from typing import Any

[docs]def is_casadi_type( object: Any, recursive: bool = True ) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean of whether an object is a CasADi data type or not. If the recursive flag is True, iterates recursively, returning True if any subelement (at any depth) is a CasADi type. Args: object: The object to evaluate. recursive: If the object is a list or tuple, recursively iterate through every subelement. If any of the subelements (at any depth) are a CasADi type, return True. Otherwise, returns False. Returns: A boolean if the object is (or contains, if recursive=True) a CasADi data type. """ t = type(object) # NumPy arrays cannot be or contain CasADi types, unless they are object arrays if t == _onp.ndarray and object.dtype != 'O': return False # Skip certain Python types known not to be or contain CasADi types. for type_to_skip in ( float, int, complex, bool, str, range, type(None), bytes, bytearray, memoryview ): if t == type_to_skip: return False # If it's directly a CasADi type, we're done. if ( t == _cas.MX or t == _cas.DM or t == _cas.SX ): return True # At this point, we know it's not a CasADi type, but we don't know if it *contains* a CasADi type (relevant if recursing) if recursive: if ( issubclass(t, list) or issubclass(t, tuple) or issubclass(t, set) or ( t == _onp.ndarray and object.dtype == 'O' ) ): for element in object: if is_casadi_type(element, recursive=True): return True return False if issubclass(t, dict): for kv in object.items(): if is_casadi_type(kv, recursive=True): return True return False return False else: return False
[docs]def is_iterable(x): """ Returns a boolean of whether an object is iterable or not. Args: x: Returns: """ try: iter(x) return True except TypeError: return False