Source code for aerosandbox.numpy.array

import numpy as _onp
import casadi as _cas
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Union, Sequence
from aerosandbox.numpy.determine_type import is_casadi_type

[docs]def array(array_like, dtype=None): """ Initializes a new array. Creates a NumPy array if possible; if not, creates a CasADi array. See syntax here: """ if is_casadi_type(array_like, recursive=False): # If you were literally given a CasADi array, just return it # Handles inputs like cas.DM([1, 2, 3]) return array_like elif not is_casadi_type(array_like, recursive=True) or dtype is not None: # If you were given a list of iterables that don't have CasADi types: # Handles inputs like [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] return _onp.array(array_like, dtype=dtype) else: # Handles inputs like [[opti_var_1, opti_var_2], [opti_var_3, opti_var_4]] def make_row(contents: List): try: return _cas.horzcat(*contents) except (TypeError, Exception): return contents return _cas.vertcat( *[ make_row(row) for row in array_like ] )
[docs]def concatenate(arrays: Sequence, axis: int = 0): """ Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(arrays, recursive=True): return _onp.concatenate(arrays, axis=axis) else: if axis == 0: return _cas.vertcat(*arrays) elif axis == 1: return _cas.horzcat(*arrays) else: raise ValueError("CasADi-backend arrays can only be 1D or 2D, so `axis` must be 0 or 1.")
[docs]def stack(arrays: Sequence, axis: int = 0): """ Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(arrays, recursive=True): return _onp.stack(arrays, axis=axis) else: ### Validate stackability for array in arrays: if is_casadi_type(array, recursive=False): if not array.shape[1] == 1: raise ValueError("Can only stack Nx1 CasADi arrays!") else: if not len(array.shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Can only stack 1D NumPy ndarrays alongside CasADi arrays!") if axis == 0 or axis == -2: return _cas.transpose(_cas.horzcat(*arrays)) elif axis == 1 or axis == -1: return _cas.horzcat(*arrays) else: raise ValueError("CasADi-backend arrays can only be 1D or 2D, so `axis` must be 0 or 1.")
[docs]def hstack(arrays): if not is_casadi_type(arrays, recursive=True): return _onp.hstack(arrays) else: raise ValueError( "Use `np.stack()` or `np.concatenate()` instead of `np.hstack()` when dealing with mixed-backend arrays.")
[docs]def vstack(arrays): if not is_casadi_type(arrays, recursive=True): return _onp.vstack(arrays) else: raise ValueError( "Use `np.stack()` or `np.concatenate()` instead of `np.vstack()` when dealing with mixed-backend arrays.")
[docs]def dstack(arrays): if not is_casadi_type(arrays, recursive=True): return _onp.dstack(arrays) else: raise ValueError( "Use `np.stack()` or `np.concatenate()` instead of `np.dstack()` when dealing with mixed-backend arrays.")
[docs]def length(array) -> int: """ Returns the length of an 1D-array-like object. An extension of len() with slightly different functionality. Args: array: Returns: """ if not is_casadi_type(array, recursive=False): try: return len(array) except TypeError: return 1 else: if array.shape[0] != 1: return array.shape[0] else: return array.shape[1]
[docs]def diag(v, k=0): """ Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(v, recursive=False): return _onp.diag(v, k=k) else: if 1 in v.shape: # If v is a 1D array, construct a diagonal matrix if v.shape[0] == 1: v = v.T if k == 0: return _cas.diag(v) else: n = v.shape[0] res = type(v).zeros(n + abs(k), n + abs(k)) for i in range(n): if k >= 0: res[i, i + k] = v[i] else: res[i - k, i] = v[i] return res elif v.shape[0] == v.shape[1]: # If v is a square matrix, extract the diagonal n = v.shape[0] if k >= 0: return array([ v[i, i + k] for i in range(n - k) ]) else: return array([ v[i - k, i] for i in range(n + k) ]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Haven't yet added logic for non-square matrices.")
[docs]def roll(a, shift, axis: int = None): """ Roll array elements along a given axis. Elements that roll beyond the last position are re-introduced at the first. See syntax here: Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array. shift : int or tuple of ints The number of places by which elements are shifted. If a tuple, then axis must be a tuple of the same size, and each of the given axes is shifted by the corresponding number. If an int while axis is a tuple of ints, then the same value is used for all given axes. axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which elements are shifted. By default, the array is flattened before shifting, after which the original shape is restored. Returns ------- res : ndarray Output array, with the same shape as a. """ if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.roll(a, shift, axis=axis) else: if axis is None: a_flat = reshape(a, -1) result = roll(a_flat, shift, axis=0) return reshape(result, a.shape) elif isinstance(axis, int): shift = shift % a.shape[axis] # shift can be negative if shift != 0: slice1 = [slice(None)] * 2 slice1[axis] = slice(-shift, None) slice2 = [slice(None)] * 2 slice2[axis] = slice(-shift) result = concatenate([a[tuple(slice1)], a[tuple(slice2)]], axis=axis) else: result = a return result elif isinstance(axis, tuple): result = a if not isinstance(shift, tuple): shift = (shift,) * len(axis) for ax, sh in zip(axis, shift): result = roll(result, sh, ax) return result else: raise ValueError("'axis' must be None, an integer or a tuple of integers")
[docs]def max(a, axis=None): """ Return the maximum of an array or maximum along an axis. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.max( a, axis=axis, ) else: if axis is None: return _cas.mmax(a) if axis == 0: if a.shape[1] == 1: return _cas.mmax(a) else: return array([ _cas.mmax(a[:, i]) for i in range(a.shape[1]) ]) elif axis == 1: if a.shape[0] == 1: return _cas.mmax(a) else: return array([ _cas.mmax(a[i, :]) for i in range(a.shape[0]) ]) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid axis {axis} for CasADi array.')
[docs]def min(a, axis=None): """ Return the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.min( a=a, axis=axis, ) else: if axis is None: return _cas.mmin(a) if axis == 0: if a.shape[1] == 1: return _cas.mmin(a) else: return array([ _cas.mmin(a[:, i]) for i in range(a.shape[1]) ]) elif axis == 1: if a.shape[0] == 1: return _cas.mmin(a) else: return array([ _cas.mmin(a[i, :]) for i in range(a.shape[0]) ]) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid axis {axis} for CasADi array.')
[docs]def reshape(a, newshape, order='C'): """ Gives a new shape to an array without changing its data. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.reshape(a, newshape, order=order) else: if isinstance(newshape, int): newshape = (newshape, 1) elif len(newshape) == 1: newshape = (newshape[0], 1) elif len(newshape) == 2: newshape = tuple(newshape) elif len(newshape) > 2: raise ValueError("CasADi data types are limited to no more than 2 dimensions.") if order == "C": return _cas.reshape(a.T, newshape[::-1]).T elif order == "F": return _cas.reshape(a, newshape) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only C and F orders are supported.")
[docs]def ravel(a, order='C'): """ Returns a contiguous flattened array. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.ravel(a, order=order) else: return reshape(a, -1, order=order)
[docs]def tile(A, reps): """ Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(A, recursive=False): return _onp.tile(A, reps) else: if len(reps) == 1: return _cas.repmat(A, reps[0], 1) elif len(reps) == 2: return _cas.repmat(A, reps[0], reps[1]) else: raise ValueError("Cannot have >2D arrays when using CasADi numeric backend!")
[docs]def zeros_like(a, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None): """Return an array of zeros with the same shape and type as a given array.""" if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.zeros_like(a, dtype=dtype, order=order, subok=subok, shape=shape) else: return _onp.zeros(shape=length(a))
[docs]def ones_like(a, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None): """Return an array of ones with the same shape and type as a given array.""" if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.ones_like(a, dtype=dtype, order=order, subok=subok, shape=shape) else: return _onp.ones(shape=length(a))
[docs]def empty_like(prototype, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None): """Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array.""" if not is_casadi_type(prototype, recursive=False): return _onp.empty_like(prototype, dtype=dtype, order=order, subok=subok, shape=shape) else: return zeros_like(prototype)
[docs]def full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None): """Return a full array with the same shape and type as a given array.""" if not is_casadi_type(a, recursive=False): return _onp.full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=dtype, order=order, subok=subok, shape=shape) else: return fill_value * ones_like(a)
[docs]def assert_equal_shape( arrays: Union[List[_onp.ndarray], Dict[str, _onp.ndarray]], ) -> None: """ Assert that all of the given arrays are the same shape. If this is not true, raise a ValueError. Args: arrays: The arrays to be evaluated. Can be provided as a: * List, in which case a generic ValueError is thrown * Dictionary consisting of name:array pairs for key:value, in which case the names are given in the ValueError. Returns: None. Throws an error if leng """ try: names = arrays.keys() arrays = list(arrays.values()) except AttributeError: names = None def get_shape(array): try: return array.shape except AttributeError: # If it's a float/int return () shape = get_shape(arrays[0]) for array in arrays[1:]: if not get_shape(array) == shape: if names is None: raise ValueError("The given arrays do not have the same shape!") else: namelist = ", ".join(names) raise ValueError(f"The given arrays {namelist} do not have the same shape!")