Source code for aerosandbox.numpy.arithmetic_monadic

import numpy as _onp
import casadi as _cas
from aerosandbox.numpy.determine_type import is_casadi_type

[docs]def sum(x, axis: int = None): """ Sum of array elements over a given axis. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(x): return _onp.sum(x, axis=axis) else: if axis == 0: return _cas.sum1(x).T elif axis == 1: return _cas.sum2(x) elif axis is None: return sum(sum(x, axis=0), axis=0) else: raise ValueError("CasADi types can only be up to 2D, so `axis` must be None, 0, or 1.")
[docs]def mean(x, axis: int = None): """ Compute the arithmetic mean along the specified axis. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(x): return _onp.mean(x, axis=axis) else: if axis == 0: return sum(x, axis=0) / x.shape[0] elif axis == 1: return sum(x, axis=1) / x.shape[1] elif axis is None: return mean(mean(x, axis=0), axis=1) else: raise ValueError("CasADi types can only be up to 2D, so `axis` must be None, 0, or 1.")
[docs]def abs(x): if not is_casadi_type(x): return _onp.abs(x) else: return _cas.fabs(x)
# TODO trace() # def cumsum(x, axis: int = None): # """ # Return the cumulative sum of the elements along a given axis. # # See syntax here: # """ # # if not is_casadi_type(x): # return _onp.cumsum(x, axis=axis) # # else: # raise NotImplementedError # if axis is None: # return _cas.cumsum(_onp.flatten(x))
[docs]def prod(x, axis: int = None): """ Return the product of array elements over a given axis. See syntax here: """ if not is_casadi_type(x): return, axis=axis) else: return _cas.exp(sum(_cas.log(x), axis=axis))