Source code for aerosandbox.modeling.surrogate_model

from aerosandbox.common import AeroSandboxObject
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple
import aerosandbox.numpy as np

[docs]class SurrogateModel(AeroSandboxObject): """ A SurrogateModel is effectively a callable; it only has the __call__ method, and all subclasses must explicitly overwrite this. The only reason it is not a callable is that you want to be able to save it to disk (via pickling) while also having the capability to save associated data (for example, constants associated with a particular model, or underlying data). If data is used to generate the SurrogateModel, it should be stored as follows: * The independent variable(s) should be stored as SurrogateModel.x_data * in the general N-dimensional case, x_data should be a dictionary where: keys are variable names and values are float/array * in the case of a 1-dimensional input (R^1 -> R^1), x-data should be a float/array. * The dependent variable should be stored as SurrogateModel.y_data * The type of this variable should be a float or an np.ndarray. Even if you don't have any real x_data or y_data to add as SurrogateModel.x_data or SurrogateModel.y_data, it's recommended (but not required) that you add values here as examples that users can inspect in order to see the data types and array shapes required. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """ SurrogateModel is an abstract class; you should not instantiate it directly. """ pass @abstractmethod # If you subclass SurrogateModel, you must overwrite __call__ so that it's a callable.
[docs] def __call__(self, x: Union[int, float, np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Evaluates the surrogate model at some given input x. The input `x` is of the type: * in the general N-dimensional case, a dictionary where keys are variable names and values are float/array. * in the case of a 1-dimensional input (R^1 -> R^2), a float/array. """ ### Perform basic type checking on x, if x_data exists as a reference. try: x_data_is_dict = isinstance(self.x_data, dict) input_is_dict = isinstance(x, dict) if x_data_is_dict and not input_is_dict: raise TypeError( f"The input to this model should be a dict with: keys {self.input_names()}, values as float or array.") if input_is_dict and not x_data_is_dict: raise TypeError("The input to this model should be a float or array.") except NameError: # If x_data does not exist pass
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: input_names = self.input_names() if input_names is not None: input_description = f"a dict with: keys {input_names}, values as float or array" else: input_description = f"a float or array" return "\n".join([ f"SurrogateModel(x) [R^{self.input_dimensionality()} -> R^1]", f"\tInput: {input_description}", f"\tOutput: float or array", ])
[docs] def input_dimensionality(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of inputs that should be supplied in x, where x is the input to the SurrogateModel. """ input_names = self.input_names() if input_names is not None: return len(input_names) else: return 1
[docs] def input_names(self) -> Union[List, None]: """ If x (the input to this model) is supposed to be a dict, this method returns the keys that should be part of x. If x is 1D and simply takes in floats or arrays, or if no x_data exists, returns None. """ try: return list(self.x_data.keys()) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def plot(self, resolution=250): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def axis_range(x_data_axis: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Given the entries of one axis of the dependent variable, determine a min/max range over which to plot the fit. Args: x_data_axis: The entries of one axis of the dependent variable, i.e. x_data["x1"]. Returns: A tuple representing the (min, max) value over which to plot that axis. """ minval = np.min(x_data_axis) maxval = np.max(x_data_axis) return (minval, maxval) if self.input_dimensionality() == 1: ### Parse the x_data if self.input_names() is not None: x_name = self.x_data.keys()[0] x_data = self.x_data.values()[0] minval, maxval = axis_range(x_data) x_fit = {x_name: np.linspace(minval, maxval, resolution)} y_fit = self(x_fit) else: x_name = "x" x_data = self.x_data minval, maxval = axis_range(x_data) x_fit = np.linspace(minval, maxval, resolution) y_fit = self(x_fit) ### Plot the 2D figure fig = plt.figure(dpi=200) plt.plot( x_data, self.y_data, ".k", label="Data", ) plt.plot( x_fit, y_fit, "-", color="#cb3bff", label="Fit", zorder=4, ) plt.xlabel(x_name) plt.ylabel(rf"$f({x_name})$") plt.title(r"Fit of FittedModel") plt.tight_layout() plt.legend() else: raise NotImplementedError()