Source code for aerosandbox.modeling.interpolation_unstructured

from typing import Union, Dict, Any
import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from aerosandbox.modeling.interpolation import InterpolatedModel
from scipy import interpolate

[docs]class UnstructuredInterpolatedModel(InterpolatedModel): """ A model that is interpolated to unstructured (i.e., point cloud) N-dimensional data. Maps from R^N -> R^1. You can evaluate this model at a given point by calling it just like a function, e.g.: >>> y = my_interpolated_model(x) The input to the model (`x` in the example above) is of the type: * in the general N-dimensional case, a dictionary where: keys are variable names and values are float/array * in the case of a 1-dimensional input (R^1 -> R^1), it can optionally just be a float/array. If you're not sure what the input type of `my_interpolated_model` should be, just do: >>> print(my_interpolated_model) # Displays the valid input type to the model The output of the model (`y` in the example above) is always a float or array. See the docstring __init__ method of InterpolatedModel for more details of how to instantiate and use UnstructuredInterpolatedModel. """ def __init__(self, x_data: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], y_data: np.ndarray, x_data_resample: Union[int, Dict[str, Union[int, np.ndarray]]] = 10, resampling_interpolator: object = interpolate.RBFInterpolator, resampling_interpolator_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, fill_value=np.nan, # Default behavior: return NaN for all inputs outside data range. interpolated_model_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, ): """ Creates the interpolator. Note that data must be unstructured (i.e., point cloud) for general N-dimensional interpolation. Note that if data is either 1D or structured, Args: x_data: Values of the dependent variable(s) in the dataset to be fitted. This is a dictionary; syntax is { var_name:var_data}. * If the model is one-dimensional (e.g. f(x1) instead of f(x1, x2, x3...)), you can instead supply x_data as a 1D ndarray. (If you do this, just treat `x` as an array in your model, not a dict.) y_data: Values of the independent variable in the dataset to be fitted. [1D ndarray of length n] x_data_resample: A parameter that guides how the x_data should be resampled onto a structured grid. * If this is an int, we look at each axis of the `x_data` (here, we'll call this `xi`), and we resample onto a linearly-spaced grid between `min(xi)` and `max(xi)` with `x_data_resample` points. * If this is a dict, it must be a dict where the keys are strings matching the keys of (the dictionary) `x_data`. The values can either be ints or 1D np.ndarrays. * If the values are ints, then that axis is linearly spaced between `min(xi)` and `max(xi)` with `x_data_resample` points. * If the values are 1D np.ndarrays, then those 1D np.ndarrays are used as the resampled spacing for the given axis. resampling_interpolator: Indicates the interpolator to use in order to resample the unstructured data onto a structured grid. Should be analogous to scipy.interpolate.RBFInterpolator in __init__ and __call__ syntax. See reference here: * resampling_interpolator_kwargs: Indicates keyword arguments (keyword-value pairs, as a dictionary) to pass into the resampling interpolator. fill_value: Gives the value that the interpolator should return for points outside of the interpolation domain. The interpolation domain is defined as the hypercube bounded by the coordinates specified in `x_data_resample`. By default, these coordinates are the tightest axis-aligned hypercube that bounds the point cloud data. If fill_value is None, then the interpolator will attempt to extrapolate if the interpolation method allows. interpolated_model_kwargs: Indicates keyword arguments to pass into the (structured) InterpolatedModel. Also a dictionary. See aerosandbox.InterpolatedModel for documentation on possible inputs here. """ if resampling_interpolator_kwargs is None: resampling_interpolator_kwargs = {} if interpolated_model_kwargs is None: interpolated_model_kwargs = {} try: # Try to use the InterpolatedModel initializer. If it doesn't work, then move on. super().__init__( x_data_coordinates=x_data, y_data_structured=y_data, ) return except ValueError: pass # If it didn't work, this implies that x_data is multidimensional, and hence a dict-like object. Validate this. try: # Determine type of `x_data` x_data.keys() x_data.values() x_data.items() except AttributeError: raise TypeError("`x_data` must be a dict-like object!") # Make the interpolator, based on x_data and y_data. if resampling_interpolator == interpolate.RBFInterpolator: resampling_interpolator_kwargs = { "kernel": "thin_plate_spline", "degree": 1, **resampling_interpolator_kwargs } interpolator = resampling_interpolator( y=np.stack(tuple(x_data.values()), axis=1), d=y_data, **resampling_interpolator_kwargs ) # If x_data_resample is an int, make it into a dict that matches x_data. if isinstance(x_data_resample, int): x_data_resample = { k: x_data_resample for k in x_data.keys() } # Now, x_data_resample should be dict-like. Validate this. try: x_data_resample.keys() x_data_resample.values() x_data_resample.items() except AttributeError: raise TypeError("`x_data_resample` must be a dict-like object!") # Go through x_data_resample, and replace any values that are ints with linspaced arrays. for k, v in x_data_resample.items(): if isinstance(v, int): x_data_resample[k] = np.linspace( np.min(x_data[k]), np.max(x_data[k]), v ) x_data_coordinates: Dict = x_data_resample x_data_structured_values = [ xi.flatten() for xi in np.meshgrid(*x_data_coordinates.values(), indexing="ij") ] x_data_structured = { k: xi for k, xi in zip(x_data.keys(), x_data_structured_values) } y_data_structured = interpolator( np.stack(tuple(x_data_structured_values), axis=1) ) y_data_structured = y_data_structured.reshape([ np.length(xi) for xi in x_data_coordinates.values() ]) interpolated_model_kwargs = { "fill_value": fill_value, **interpolated_model_kwargs } super().__init__( x_data_coordinates=x_data_coordinates, y_data_structured=y_data_structured, **interpolated_model_kwargs, ) self.x_data_raw_unstructured = x_data self.y_data_raw = y_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] x = np.arange(10)
y = x ** 3 interp = UnstructuredInterpolatedModel( x_data=x, y_data=y ) def randspace(start, stop, n=50): vals = (stop - start) * np.random.rand(n) + start vals = np.concatenate((vals[:-2], np.array([start, stop]))) # vals = np.sort(vals) return vals np.random.seed(4) X = randspace(-5, 5, 200) Y = randspace(-5, 5, 200) f = np.where(X > 0, 1, 0) + np.where(Y > 0, 1, 0) # f = X ** 2 + Y ** 2 interp = UnstructuredInterpolatedModel( x_data={ "x": X.flatten(), "y": Y.flatten(), }, y_data=f.flatten() ) from import plt, show_plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') # ax.plot_surface(X, Y, f, color="blue", alpha=0.2) ax.scatter(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), f.flatten()) X_plot, Y_plot = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 500), np.linspace(Y.min(), Y.max(), 500), ) F_plot = interp({ "x": X_plot.flatten(), "y": Y_plot.flatten() }).reshape(X_plot.shape) ax.plot_surface( X_plot, Y_plot, F_plot, color="red", edgecolors=(1, 1, 1, 0.5), linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.2, rcount=40, ccount=40, shade=True, ) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") import aerosandbox as asb import aerosandbox.numpy as np opti = asb.Opti() x = opti.variable(init_guess=0) y = opti.variable(init_guess=0) opti.minimize(interp({"x": x, "y": y})) sol = opti.solve() print(sol(x)) print(sol(y))