Source code for aerosandbox.modeling.black_box

import inspect
from typing import Callable, Any, Union, Optional

[docs]def black_box( function: Callable[[Any], float], n_in: int = None, n_out: int = 1, fd_method: str ='central', fd_step: Optional[float] = None, fd_step_iter: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Callable[[Any], float]: """ Wraps a function as a black box, allowing it to be used in AeroSandbox / CasADi optimization problems. Obtains gradients via finite differences. Assumes that the function's Jacobian is fully dense, always. Args: function: n_in: n_out: fd_method: One of: - 'forward' - 'backward' - 'central' - 'smoothed' Returns: """ ### Grab the signature of the function to be wrapped - we'll need it. signature = inspect.signature(function) ### Handle default arguments. if n_in is None: n_in = len(signature.parameters) if n_out is None: n_out = 1 ### Add limitations if n_out > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Black boxes with multiple outputs are not yet supported.") ### Compute finite-differencing options fd_options = {} if fd_step is not None: fd_options['h'] = fd_step if fd_step_iter is not None: fd_options['h_iter'] = fd_step_iter import casadi as cas class BlackBox(cas.Callback): def __init__( self, ): cas.Callback.__init__(self) self.construct( self.__class__.__name__, dict( enable_fd=True, fd_method=fd_method, fd_options=fd_options, ) ) # Number of inputs and outputs def get_n_in(self): """ Number of scalar inputs to the black-box function. """ return n_in def get_n_out(self): return n_out # Evaluate numerically def eval(self, args): f = function(*args) if isinstance(f, tuple): return f else: return [f] # `wrapped_function` is a function with the same call signature as the original function, but with all arguments as positional arguments. wrapped_function = BlackBox() def wrapped_function_with_kwargs_support(*args, **kwargs): """ This is a function with the same call signature as the original function, allowing both positional and keyword arguments. Should work identically to the original function: - Keyword arguments should be optional, and the default values should be the same as the original function. - Keyword arguments should have the option of being passed as positional arguments, provided they are in the correct order and all required positional arguments are passed. - Keyword arguments should be allowed to be passed in any order. - Positional arguments should be required. - Positional arguments should have the option of being passed as keyword arguments. """ inputs = [] # Check number of positional arguments in the signature n_positional_args = len(signature.parameters) - len(signature.parameters.values()) n_args = len(signature.parameters) if len(args) < n_positional_args or len(args) > n_args: raise TypeError( f"Takes from {n_positional_args} to {n_args} positional arguments but {len(args)} were given" ) for i, (name, parameter) in enumerate(signature.parameters.items()): if i < len(args): input = args[i] if name in kwargs: raise TypeError( f"Got multiple values for argument '{name}': {input} and {kwargs[name]}" ) elif name in kwargs: input = kwargs[name] else: if parameter.default is parameter.empty: raise TypeError( f"Missing required argument '{name}'" ) else: input = parameter.default # print(input) inputs.append(input) return wrapped_function(*inputs) wrapped_function_with_kwargs_support.wrapped_function = wrapped_function wrapped_function_with_kwargs_support.wrapper_class = BlackBox return wrapped_function_with_kwargs_support
if __name__ == '__main__': ### Create a function that's effectively black-box (doesn't use `aerosandbox.numpy`)
[docs] def my_func( a1, a2, k1=4, k2=5, k3=6, ): import math return ( math.sin(a1) * math.exp(a2) * math.cos(k1 * k2) + k3 )
### Now, start an optimization problem import aerosandbox as asb import aerosandbox.numpy as np opti = asb.Opti() # Wrap our function such that it can be used in an optimization problem. my_func_wrapped = black_box( function=my_func, fd_method="central" ) # Pick some variables to optimize over m = opti.variable(init_guess=5, lower_bound=3, upper_bound=8) n = opti.variable(init_guess=5, lower_bound=3, upper_bound=8) # Minimize the black-box function opti.minimize( my_func_wrapped(m, a2=3, k2=n) ) # Solve sol = opti.solve() ### Plot the function over its inputs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as p M, N = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(3, 8, 300), np.linspace(3, 8, 300), ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() p.contour( M, N, np.vectorize(my_func)(M, a2=3, k2=N), ) p.show_plot()