Source code for aerosandbox.library.winds

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
import datetime
from aerosandbox.modeling.interpolation import InterpolatedModel
from pathlib import Path
import os

[docs]def wind_speed_conus_summer_99(altitude, latitude): """ Returns the 99th-percentile wind speed magnitude over the continental United States (CONUS) in July-Aug. Aggregate of data from 1972 to 2019. Fits at C:\Projects\GitHub\Wind_Analysis :param altitude: altitude [m] :param latitude: latitude, in degrees North [deg] :return: 99th-percentile wind speed over the continental United States in the summertime. [m/s] """ l = (latitude - 37.5) / 11.5 a = (altitude - 24200) / 24200 agc = -0.5363486000267786 agh = 1.9569754777072828 ags = 0.1458701999734713 aqc = -1.4645014948089652 c0 = -0.5169694086686631 c12 = 0.0849519807021402 c21 = -0.0252010113059998 c4a = 0.0225856848053377 c4c = 1.0281877353734501 cg = 0.8050736230004489 cgc = 0.2786691793571486 cqa = 0.1866078047914259 cql = 0.0165126852561671 cqla = -0.1361667658248024 lgc = 0.6943655538727291 lgh = 2.0777449841036777 lgs = 0.9805766577269118 lqc = 4.0356834595743214 s = c0 + cql * (l - lqc) ** 2 + cqa * (a - aqc) ** 2 + cqla * a * l + cg * np.exp( -(np.fabs(l - lgc) ** lgh / (2 * lgs ** 2) + np.fabs(a - agc) ** agh / ( 2 * ags ** 2) + cgc * a * l)) + c4a * ( a - c4c) ** 4 + c12 * l * a ** 2 + c21 * l ** 2 * a speed = s * 56 + 7 return speed
### Prep data for global wind speed function # Import data
[docs]root = Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent
altitudes_world = np.load(root / "datasets" / "winds_and_tropopause_global" / "altitudes.npy") latitudes_world = np.load(root / "datasets" / "winds_and_tropopause_global" / "latitudes.npy")
[docs]day_of_year_world_boundaries = np.linspace(0, 365, 13)
day_of_year_world = (day_of_year_world_boundaries[1:] + day_of_year_world_boundaries[:-1]) / 2 winds_95_world = np.load(root / "datasets" / "winds_and_tropopause_global" / "winds_95_vs_altitude_latitude_day.npy") # Trim the poles latitudes_world = latitudes_world[1:-1] winds_95_world = winds_95_world[:, 1:-1, :] # Flip data appropriately
[docs]altitudes_world = np.flip(altitudes_world)
latitudes_world = np.flip(latitudes_world) ### NOTE: winds_95_world has *already* been flipped appropriately # # Extend altitude range down to the ground # TODO review and redo properly # altitudes_world_to_extend = [-1000, 0, 5000] # altitudes_world = np.hstack(( # altitudes_world_to_extend, # altitudes_world # )) # winds_95_world = np.concatenate( # ( # np.tile( # winds_95_world[0, :, :], # (3, 1, 1) # ), # winds_95_world # ), # axis=0 # ) # Downsample
[docs]latitudes_world = latitudes_world[::5]
winds_95_world = winds_95_world[:, ::5, :] # Extend boundaries so that cubic spline interpolates around day_of_year appropriately. extend_bounds = 3
[docs]day_of_year_world = np.hstack(( day_of_year_world[-extend_bounds:] - 365, day_of_year_world, day_of_year_world[:extend_bounds] + 365 ))
[docs]winds_95_world = np.dstack(( winds_95_world[:, :, -extend_bounds:], winds_95_world, winds_95_world[:, :, :extend_bounds] ))
# Make the model
[docs]winds_95_world_model = InterpolatedModel( x_data_coordinates={ "altitude" : altitudes_world, "latitude" : latitudes_world, "day of year": day_of_year_world, }, y_data_structured=winds_95_world, )
[docs]def wind_speed_world_95( altitude, latitude, day_of_year ): """ Gives the 95th-percentile wind speed as a function of altitude, latitude, and day of year. Args: altitude: Altitude, in meters latitude: Latitude, in degrees north day_of_year: Day of year (Julian day), in range 0 to 365 Returns: The 95th-percentile wind speed, in meters per second. """ return winds_95_world_model({ "altitude" : altitude, "latitude" : latitude, "day of year": day_of_year })
### Prep data for tropopause altitude function # Import data
[docs]latitudes_trop = np.linspace(-80, 80, 50)
[docs]day_of_year_trop_boundaries = np.linspace(0, 365, 13)
day_of_year_trop = (day_of_year_trop_boundaries[1:] + day_of_year_trop_boundaries[:-1]) / 2 tropopause_altitude_km = np.genfromtxt( root / "datasets" / "winds_and_tropopause_global" / "strat-height-monthly.csv", delimiter="," ) # Extend boundaries
[docs]extend_bounds = 3
[docs]day_of_year_trop = np.hstack(( day_of_year_trop[-extend_bounds:] - 365, day_of_year_trop, day_of_year_trop[:extend_bounds] + 365 ))
[docs]tropopause_altitude_km = np.hstack(( tropopause_altitude_km[:, -extend_bounds:], tropopause_altitude_km, tropopause_altitude_km[:, :extend_bounds] ))
# Make the model
[docs]tropopause_altitude_model = InterpolatedModel( x_data_coordinates={ "latitude" : latitudes_trop, "day of year": day_of_year_trop }, y_data_structured=tropopause_altitude_km * 1e3 )
[docs]def tropopause_altitude( latitude, day_of_year ): """ Gives the altitude of the tropopause (as determined by the altitude where lapse rate >= 2 C/km) as a function of latitude and day of year. Args: latitude: Latitude, in degrees north day_of_year: Day of year (Julian day), in range 0 to 365 Returns: The tropopause altitude, in meters. """ return tropopause_altitude_model({ "latitude" : latitude, "day of year": day_of_year })
if __name__ == '__main__': from import plt, sns, mpl, show_plot
[docs] def plot_winds_at_altitude(altitude=18000): fig, ax = plt.subplots() day_of_years = np.linspace(0, 365, 150) latitudes = np.linspace(-80, 80, 120) Day_of_years, Latitudes = np.meshgrid(day_of_years, latitudes) winds = wind_speed_world_95( altitude=altitude * np.ones_like(Latitudes.flatten()), latitude=Latitudes.flatten(), day_of_year=Day_of_years.flatten(), ).reshape(Latitudes.shape) args = [ day_of_years, latitudes, winds ] levels = np.arange(0, 80.1, 5) CS = plt.contour(*args, levels=levels, linewidths=0.5, colors="k", alpha=0.7) CF = plt.contourf(*args, levels=levels, cmap='viridis_r', alpha=0.7, extend="max") cbar = plt.colorbar(label="Wind Speed [m/s]", extendrect=True) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=9, fmt="%.0f m/s") plt.xticks( np.linspace(0, 365, 13)[:-1], ( "Jan. 1", "Feb. 1", "Mar. 1", "Apr. 1", "May 1", "June 1", "July 1", "Aug. 1", "Sep. 1", "Oct. 1", "Nov. 1", "Dec. 1" ), rotation=40 ) lat_label_vals = np.arange(-80, 80.1, 20) lat_labels = [] for lat in lat_label_vals: if lat >= 0: lat_labels.append(f"{lat:.0f}N") else: lat_labels.append(f"{-lat:.0f}S") plt.yticks( lat_label_vals, lat_labels ) show_plot( f"95th-Percentile Wind Speeds at {altitude / 1e3:.0f} km Altitude", xlabel="Day of Year", ylabel="Latitude", )
def plot_winds_at_day(day_of_year=0): fig, ax = plt.subplots() altitudes = np.linspace(0, 30000, 150) latitudes = np.linspace(-80, 80, 120) Altitudes, Latitudes = np.meshgrid(altitudes, latitudes) winds = wind_speed_world_95( altitude=Altitudes.flatten(), latitude=Latitudes.flatten(), day_of_year=day_of_year * np.ones_like(Altitudes.flatten()), ).reshape(Altitudes.shape) args = [ altitudes / 1e3, latitudes, winds ] levels = np.arange(0, 80.1, 5) CS = plt.contour(*args, levels=levels, linewidths=0.5, colors="k", alpha=0.7) CF = plt.contourf(*args, levels=levels, cmap='viridis_r', alpha=0.7, extend="max") cbar = plt.colorbar(label="Wind Speed [m/s]", extendrect=True) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=9, fmt="%.0f m/s") lat_label_vals = np.arange(-80, 80.1, 20) lat_labels = [] for lat in lat_label_vals: if lat >= 0: lat_labels.append(f"{lat:.0f}N") else: lat_labels.append(f"{-lat:.0f}S") plt.yticks( lat_label_vals, lat_labels ) show_plot( f"95th-Percentile Wind Speeds at Day {day_of_year:.0f}", xlabel="Altitude [km]", ylabel="Latitude", ) def plot_tropopause_altitude(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() day_of_years = np.linspace(0, 365, 250) latitudes = np.linspace(-80, 80, 200) Day_of_years, Latitudes = np.meshgrid(day_of_years, latitudes) trop_alt = tropopause_altitude( Latitudes.flatten(), Day_of_years.flatten() ).reshape(Latitudes.shape) args = [ day_of_years, latitudes, trop_alt / 1e3 ] levels = np.arange(10, 20.1, 1) CS = plt.contour(*args, levels=levels, linewidths=0.5, colors="k", alpha=0.7) CF = plt.contourf(*args, levels=levels, cmap='viridis_r', alpha=0.7, extend="both") cbar = plt.colorbar(label="Tropopause Altitude [km]", extendrect=True) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=9, fmt="%.0f km") plt.xticks( np.linspace(0, 365, 13)[:-1], ( "Jan. 1", "Feb. 1", "Mar. 1", "Apr. 1", "May 1", "June 1", "July 1", "Aug. 1", "Sep. 1", "Oct. 1", "Nov. 1", "Dec. 1" ), rotation=40 ) lat_label_vals = np.arange(-80, 80.1, 20) lat_labels = [] for lat in lat_label_vals: if lat >= 0: lat_labels.append(f"{lat:.0f}N") else: lat_labels.append(f"{-lat:.0f}S") plt.yticks( lat_label_vals, lat_labels ) show_plot( f"Tropopause Altitude by Season and Latitude", xlabel="Day of Year", ylabel="Latitude", ) def plot_winds_at_tropopause_altitude(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() day_of_years = np.linspace(0, 365, 150) latitudes = np.linspace(-80, 80, 120) Day_of_years, Latitudes = np.meshgrid(day_of_years, latitudes) winds = wind_speed_world_95( altitude=tropopause_altitude(Latitudes.flatten(), Day_of_years.flatten()), latitude=Latitudes.flatten(), day_of_year=Day_of_years.flatten(), ).reshape(Latitudes.shape) args = [ day_of_years, latitudes, winds ] levels = np.arange(0, 80.1, 5) CS = plt.contour(*args, levels=levels, linewidths=0.5, colors="k", alpha=0.7) CF = plt.contourf(*args, levels=levels, cmap='viridis_r', alpha=0.7, extend="max") cbar = plt.colorbar(label="Wind Speed [m/s]", extendrect=True) ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=9, fmt="%.0f m/s") plt.xticks( np.linspace(0, 365, 13)[:-1], ( "Jan. 1", "Feb. 1", "Mar. 1", "Apr. 1", "May 1", "June 1", "July 1", "Aug. 1", "Sep. 1", "Oct. 1", "Nov. 1", "Dec. 1" ), rotation=40 ) lat_label_vals = np.arange(-80, 80.1, 20) lat_labels = [] for lat in lat_label_vals: if lat >= 0: lat_labels.append(f"{lat:.0f}N") else: lat_labels.append(f"{-lat:.0f}S") plt.yticks( lat_label_vals, lat_labels ) show_plot( f"95th-Percentile Wind Speeds at Tropopause Altitude", xlabel="Day of Year", ylabel="Latitude", ) # plot_winds_at_altitude(altitude=18000) # plot_winds_at_day(day_of_year=0) # plot_tropopause_altitude() plot_winds_at_tropopause_altitude()