Source code for aerosandbox.library.propulsion_small_solid_rocket

import aerosandbox.numpy as np

# import firefly_propulsion.propellant.oxamide_model as oxm
# from proptools import nozzle as ptn

# zeta_c_star = oxm.zeta_c_star
# chamber_pressure_max = oxm.p_c_max
# n = oxm.n

# Burn rate exponent [units: dimensionless]
# Value of 0.402 based on strand burner fit as of 2020-02-21
[docs]n = 0.402
# Oxamide parameter [units: dimensionless]. # Theoretically, lambda = 13.3 for a 80% AP + 20% HTPB propellant, # which we have used as the basis for the no-metal propellant family # since spring 2018. # Previously, (e.g. in Matt's MS Thesis) we used a metalized propellant # which had a lower theoretical value for lambda (~7). # lamb = 13.3 # Value of 6.20 based on strand burner fit as of 2020-02-21
[docs]lamb = 6.20
# Burn rate coefficient at zero oxamide content # [units: pascal**(-n) meter second**-1]. # This is for propellant in the motor. # Based on strand burner fit for 400 um blend AP as of 2020-02-21
[docs]a_0 = 3.43 * 1.15 * (1e6) ** (-n) * 1e-3
# Strand burner burn rate reduction factor
[docs]strand_reduction_factor = 1 / 1.15
# Combustion efficiency [units: dimensionless].
[docs]zeta_c_star = 0.90
# Maximum chamber pressure the burn rate model is fit to [units: pascal].
[docs]chamber_pressure_max = 2.0e6
# Valid range of oxamide mass fraction values for the model. # [units: dimensionless]
[docs]W_OM_VALID_RANGE = (0, 0.22)
[docs]OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR_STRING = ( '{:.3f} is outside the model valid range of {:.3f} <= w_om <= {:.3f}')
[docs]def burn_rate_coefficient(oxamide_fraction): """Burn rate vs oxamide content model. Valid from 0% to 15% oxamide. # TODO IMPLEMENT THIS Returns: a: propellant burn rate coefficient [units: pascal**(-n) meter second**-1]. """ oxamide_fraction = np.fmax(oxamide_fraction, 0) return a_0 * (1 - oxamide_fraction) / (1 + lamb * oxamide_fraction)
[docs]def c_star(oxamide_fraction): """Characteristic velocity vs. oxamide content model. Valid from 0% to 20% oxamide. # TODO IMPLEMENT THIS Returns: c_star: ideal characteristic velocity [units: meter second**-1]. """ # oxamide_fraction = cas.fmax(oxamide_fraction, 0) coefs = [1380.2, -983.3, -697.1] return coefs[0] + coefs[1] * oxamide_fraction + coefs[2] * oxamide_fraction ** 2
[docs]def dubious_min_combustion_pressure(oxamide_fraction): """Minimum pressure for stable combustion vs. oxamide content model. Note: this model is of DUBIOUS accuracy. Don't trust it. """ coefs = [7.73179444e+00, 3.60886970e-01, 7.64587936e-03] p_min_MPa = coefs[0] * oxamide_fraction ** 2 + coefs[1] * oxamide_fraction + coefs[2] p_min = 1e6 * p_min_MPa return p_min # Pa
[docs]def gamma(oxamide_fraction): """Ratio of specific heats vs. oxamide content model. Returns: gamma: Exhaust gas ratio of specific heats [units: dimensionless]. """ # oxamide_fraction = cas.fmax(oxamide_fraction, 0) coefs = [1.238, 0.216, -0.351] return coefs[0] + coefs[1] * oxamide_fraction + coefs[2] * oxamide_fraction ** 2
[docs]def expansion_ratio_from_pressure(chamber_pressure, exit_pressure, gamma, oxamide_fraction): """Find the nozzle expansion ratio from the chamber and exit pressures. See :ref:`expansion-ratio-tutorial-label` for a physical description of the expansion ratio. Reference: Rocket Propulsion Elements, 8th Edition, Equation 3-25 Arguments: chamber_pressure (scalar): Nozzle stagnation chamber pressure [units: pascal]. exit_pressure (scalar): Nozzle exit static pressure [units: pascal]. gamma (scalar): Exhaust gas ratio of specific heats [units: dimensionless]. Returns: scalar: Expansion ratio :math:`\\epsilon = A_e / A_t` [units: dimensionless] """ chamber_pressure = np.fmax(chamber_pressure, dubious_min_combustion_pressure(oxamide_fraction)) chamber_pressure = np.fmax(chamber_pressure, exit_pressure * 1.5) AtAe = ((gamma + 1) / 2) ** (1 / (gamma - 1)) \ * (exit_pressure / chamber_pressure) ** (1 / gamma) \ * np.sqrt((gamma + 1) / (gamma - 1) * (1 - (exit_pressure / chamber_pressure) ** ((gamma - 1) / gamma))) er = 1 / AtAe return er
[docs]def thrust_coefficient(chamber_pressure, exit_pressure, gamma, p_a=None, er=None): """Nozzle thrust coefficient, :math:`C_F`. The thrust coefficient is a figure of merit for the nozzle expansion process. See :ref:`thrust-coefficient-label` for a description of the physical meaning of the thrust coefficient. Reference: Equation 1-33a in Huzel and Huang. Arguments: chamber_pressure (scalar): Nozzle stagnation chamber pressure [units: pascal]. exit_pressure (scalar): Nozzle exit static pressure [units: pascal]. gamma (scalar): Exhaust gas ratio of specific heats [units: dimensionless]. p_a (scalar, optional): Ambient pressure [units: pascal]. If None, then p_a = exit_pressure. er (scalar, optional): Nozzle area expansion ratio [units: dimensionless]. If None, then p_a = exit_pressure. Returns: scalar: The thrust coefficient, :math:`C_F` [units: dimensionless]. """ # if (p_a is None and er is not None) or (er is None and p_a is not None): # raise ValueError('Both p_a and er must be provided.') C_F = (2 * gamma ** 2 / (gamma - 1) * (2 / (gamma + 1)) ** ((gamma + 1) / (gamma - 1)) * (1 - (exit_pressure / chamber_pressure) ** ((gamma - 1) / gamma)) ) ** 0.5 # if p_a is not None and er is not None: C_F += er * (exit_pressure - p_a) / chamber_pressure return C_F
if __name__ == "__main__": import as px import pandas as pd # Oxamide Function tests
[docs] oxamides = np.linspace(-0.3, 0.5, 200)
burn_rate_coefficients = burn_rate_coefficient(oxamides) c_stars = c_star(oxamides) min_combustion_pressures = dubious_min_combustion_pressure(oxamides) gammas = gamma(oxamides) px.scatter(x=oxamides, y=burn_rate_coefficients, labels={"x": "Oxamide", "y": "Burn Rate Coeff"}).show() px.scatter(x=oxamides, y=c_stars, labels={"x": "Oxamide", "y": "c_star"}).show() px.scatter(x=oxamides, y=min_combustion_pressures, labels={"x": "Oxamide", "y": "Min. Combustion Pressure"}).show() px.scatter(x=oxamides, y=gammas, labels={"x": "Oxamide", "y": "Gamma"}).show() # # ER_from_P test chamber_pressure_inputs = np.logspace(5, 6, 200) exit_pressure_inputs = np.logspace(4, 5, 200) ox_for_test = 0 chamber_pressures = [] exit_pressures = [] ers = [] for chamber_pressure in chamber_pressure_inputs: for exit_pressure in exit_pressure_inputs: chamber_pressures.append(chamber_pressure) exit_pressures.append(exit_pressure) ers.append(expansion_ratio_from_pressure(chamber_pressure, exit_pressure, gamma(ox_for_test), ox_for_test)) data = pd.DataFrame({ 'chamber_pressure': chamber_pressures, 'exit_pressure' : exit_pressures, 'ers' : ers }) px.scatter_3d(data, x='chamber_pressure', y='exit_pressure', z='ers', color='ers', log_x=True, log_y=True, log_z=True).show()