Source code for aerosandbox.library.power_nuclear_rtg

### A few functions to take a WAG at the *technological* feasibility of
#   a nuclear-RTG-powered airplane. Not at all endorsing this as a good idea,
#   just a fascinating one that's surprisingly technologically feasible with Polonium-210.

# Aircraft uses:
# There's speculation that the Russians might already be flying this?
# Source (Overview):
# Source (Russian press release):
# Source (American perspective):

# How it's made:
# Po-210 is created by neutron bombardment of (stable) bismuth-209 in a nuclear reactor.
# This forms radioactive bismuth-210 (half-life: 5 days), which decays to Po-210 via beta decay.
# Source:

# Cost:
# Po-210 appears to be affordable, at least in milligram amounts (used in manufacturing
# processes for things as simple as static elimination).
# Source:

# Safety:
# Alpha emitter, so safe as long as it's not ingested or inhaled. If ingested, it has a LD50 of 0.7 micrograms.
# If inhaled, it's about 20% of that.
# Source:

# Supply:
# Only 100 grams of Po-210 is produced each year, almost all in Russia.
# Source:
# This seems to be an insurmountable issue.

[docs]alpha_particle_mass_amu = 4.001506179127 # mass of an alpha particle
[docs]po_210_mass_amu = 209.9828736 # mass of Polonium-210
[docs]pb_206_mass_amu = 205.9744818 # mass of Lead-206
[docs]amu = 1.6605390666050e-27 # kg, 1 atomic mass unit
[docs]c = 299792458 # m/s, speed of light
[docs]def po210_specific_power( days_after_formation=0, ): half_life = 138.376 # days # Source: pure_specific_energy = ( (po_210_mass_amu - alpha_particle_mass_amu - pb_206_mass_amu) * c ** 2 / po_210_mass_amu ) # J/kg
# TODO finish