Source code for aerosandbox.geometry.polygon

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from matplotlib import path
from aerosandbox.common import AeroSandboxObject
from typing import Union

[docs]class Polygon(AeroSandboxObject): def __init__(self, coordinates: np.ndarray ): """ Creates a polygon object. Args: coordinates: An Nx2 NumPy ndarray of [x, y] coordinates for the polygon. """ self.coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f"Polygon ({self.n_points()} points)"
[docs] def x(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the x coordinates of the polygon. Equivalent to Polygon.coordinates[:,0]. Returns: X coordinates as a vector """ return self.coordinates[:, 0]
[docs] def y(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the y coordinates of the polygon. Equivalent to Polygon.coordinates[:,1]. Returns: Y coordinates as a vector """ return self.coordinates[:, 1]
[docs] def n_points(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of points/vertices/coordinates of the polygon. """ try: return len(self.coordinates) except TypeError: try: return self.coordinates.shape[0] except AttributeError: return 0
[docs] def scale(self, scale_x: float = 1., scale_y: float = 1., ) -> 'Polygon': """ Scales a Polygon about the origin. Args: scale_x: Amount to scale in the x-direction. scale_y: Amount to scale in the y-direction. Returns: The scaled Polygon. """ x = self.x() * scale_x y = self.y() * scale_y return Polygon( coordinates=np.stack((x, y), axis=1) )
[docs] def translate(self, translate_x: float = 0., translate_y: float = 0., ) -> 'Polygon': """ Translates a Polygon by a given amount. Args: translate_x: Amount to translate in the x-direction translate_y: Amount to translate in the y-direction Returns: The translated Polygon. """ x = self.x() + translate_x y = self.y() + translate_y return Polygon( coordinates=np.stack((x, y), axis=1) )
[docs] def rotate(self, angle: float, x_center: float = 0., y_center: float = 0. ) -> 'Polygon': """ Rotates a Polygon clockwise by the specified amount, in radians. Rotates about the point (x_center, y_center), which is (0, 0) by default. Args: angle: Angle to rotate, counterclockwise, in radians. x_center: The x-coordinate of the center of rotation. y_center: The y-coordinate of the center of rotation. Returns: The rotated Polygon. """ ### Translate translation = np.reshape(np.array([x_center, y_center]), (1, 2)) coordinates = self.coordinates - translation ### Rotate rotation_matrix = np.rotation_matrix_2D( angle=angle, ) coordinates = (rotation_matrix @ coordinates.T).T ### Translate coordinates = coordinates + translation return Polygon( coordinates=coordinates )
[docs] def area(self) -> float: """ Returns the area of the polygon. """ x = self.x() y = self.y() x_n = np.roll(x, -1) # x_next, or x_i+1 y_n = np.roll(y, -1) # y_next, or y_i+1 a = x * y_n - x_n * y # a is the area of the triangle bounded by a given point, the next point, and the origin. A = 0.5 * np.sum(a) # area return A
[docs] def perimeter(self) -> float: """ Returns the perimeter of the polygon. """ dx = np.diff(self.x()) dy = np.diff(self.y()) ds = ( dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 ) ** 0.5 return np.sum(ds)
[docs] def centroid(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the centroid of the polygon as a 1D np.ndarray of length 2. """ x = self.x() y = self.y() x_n = np.roll(x, -1) # x_next, or x_i+1 y_n = np.roll(y, -1) # y_next, or y_i+1 a = x * y_n - x_n * y # a is the area of the triangle bounded by a given point, the next point, and the origin. A = 0.5 * np.sum(a) # area x_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (x + x_n)) y_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (y + y_n)) centroid = np.array([x_c, y_c]) return centroid
[docs] def Ixx(self): """ Returns the nondimensionalized Ixx moment of inertia, taken about the centroid. """ x = self.x() y = self.y() x_n = np.roll(x, -1) # x_next, or x_i+1 y_n = np.roll(y, -1) # y_next, or y_i+1 a = x * y_n - x_n * y # a is the area of the triangle bounded by a given point, the next point, and the origin. A = 0.5 * np.sum(a) # area x_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (x + x_n)) y_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (y + y_n)) centroid = np.array([x_c, y_c]) Ixx = 1 / 12 * np.sum(a * (y ** 2 + y * y_n + y_n ** 2)) Iuu = Ixx - A * centroid[1] ** 2 return Iuu
[docs] def Iyy(self): """ Returns the nondimensionalized Iyy moment of inertia, taken about the centroid. """ x = self.x() y = self.y() x_n = np.roll(x, -1) # x_next, or x_i+1 y_n = np.roll(y, -1) # y_next, or y_i+1 a = x * y_n - x_n * y # a is the area of the triangle bounded by a given point, the next point, and the origin. A = 0.5 * np.sum(a) # area x_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (x + x_n)) y_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (y + y_n)) centroid = np.array([x_c, y_c]) Iyy = 1 / 12 * np.sum(a * (x ** 2 + x * x_n + x_n ** 2)) Ivv = Iyy - A * centroid[0] ** 2 return Ivv
[docs] def Ixy(self): """ Returns the nondimensionalized product of inertia, taken about the centroid. """ x = self.x() y = self.y() x_n = np.roll(x, -1) # x_next, or x_i+1 y_n = np.roll(y, -1) # y_next, or y_i+1 a = x * y_n - x_n * y # a is the area of the triangle bounded by a given point, the next point, and the origin. A = 0.5 * np.sum(a) # area x_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (x + x_n)) y_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (y + y_n)) centroid = np.array([x_c, y_c]) Ixy = 1 / 24 * np.sum(a * (x * y_n + 2 * x * y + 2 * x_n * y_n + x_n * y)) Iuv = Ixy - A * centroid[0] * centroid[1] return Iuv
[docs] def J(self): """ Returns the nondimensionalized polar moment of inertia, taken about the centroid. """ x = self.x() y = self.y() x_n = np.roll(x, -1) # x_next, or x_i+1 y_n = np.roll(y, -1) # y_next, or y_i+1 a = x * y_n - x_n * y # a is the area of the triangle bounded by a given point, the next point, and the origin. A = 0.5 * np.sum(a) # area x_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (x + x_n)) y_c = 1 / (6 * A) * np.sum(a * (y + y_n)) centroid = np.array([x_c, y_c]) Ixx = 1 / 12 * np.sum(a * (y ** 2 + y * y_n + y_n ** 2)) Iyy = 1 / 12 * np.sum(a * (x ** 2 + x * x_n + x_n ** 2)) J = Ixx + Iyy return J
[docs] def write_sldcrv(self, filepath: str = None ): """ Writes a .sldcrv (SolidWorks curve) file corresponding to this Polygon to a filepath. Args: filepath: A filepath (including the filename and .sldcrv extension) [string] if None, this function returns the .sldcrv file as a string. Returns: None """ string = "\n".join( [ "%f %f 0" % tuple(coordinate) for coordinate in self.coordinates ] ) if filepath is not None: with open(filepath, "w+") as f: f.write(string) return string
[docs] def contains_points(self, x: Union[float, np.ndarray], y: Union[float, np.ndarray], ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Returns a boolean array of whether some (x, y) point(s) are contained within the Polygon. Note: This function is unfortunately not automatic-differentiable. Args: x: x-coordinate(s) of the query points. y: y-coordinate(s) of the query points. Returns: A boolean array of the same size as x and y, with values corresponding to whether the points are inside the Polygon. """ x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) try: input_shape = (x + y).shape except ValueError as e: # If arrays are not broadcastable raise ValueError("Inputs x and y could not be broadcast together!") from e x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1)) y = np.reshape(y, (-1, 1)) points = np.hstack((x, y)) contained = path.Path( vertices=self.coordinates ).contains_points( points ) contained = np.array(contained).reshape(input_shape) return contained
[docs] def as_shapely_polygon(self): """ Returns a Shapely Polygon object representing this polygon. Shapely is a Python library for 2D geometry operations. While it is more powerful than this class (e.g., allows for union/intersection calculation between Polygons), it is not automatic-differentiable. """ import shapely return shapely.Polygon(self.coordinates)
[docs] def jaccard_similarity(self, other: "Polygon" ): """ Calculates the Jaccard similarity between this polygon and another polygon. Note: This function is unfortunately not automatic-differentiable. Args: other: The other polygon to compare to. Returns: The Jaccard similarity between this polygon and the other polygon. * 0 if the polygons are completely disjoint * 1 if the polygons are identical """ p1 = self.as_shapely_polygon() p2 = other.as_shapely_polygon() intersection = p1.intersection(p2).area union = p1.area + p2.area - intersection similarity = intersection / union if union != 0 else 0 return similarity
[docs] def draw(self, set_equal=True, color=None, **kwargs ): """ Draws the Polygon on the current matplotlib axis. Args: set_equal: Whether to set the aspect ratio of the plot to be equal. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the matplotlib.pyplot.fill function. See: Returns: None (draws on the current matplotlib axis) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if color is None: color = plt.gca()._get_lines.get_next_color() plt.fill( self.x(), self.y(), color=color, alpha=0.5, **kwargs ) if set_equal: plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", adjustable='box')
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000)
r = np.sin(theta) * np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(theta))) / (np.sin(theta) + 7 / 5) - 2 * np.sin(theta) + 2 heart = Polygon(np.stack((r * np.cos(theta), r * np.sin(theta)), axis=1)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() heart.draw() heart.scale(0.7, 0.7).translate(2, 1).rotate(np.radians(15)).draw()