Source code for aerosandbox.geometry.common

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from aerosandbox.numpy.determine_type import is_casadi_type

[docs]def reflect_over_XZ_plane(input_vector): """ Takes in a vector or an array and flips the y-coordinates. :param input_vector: A vector or list of vectors to flip. :return: Vector with flipped sign on y-coordinate. """ if not is_casadi_type(input_vector): shape = input_vector.shape if len(shape) == 1: return input_vector * np.array([1, -1, 1]) elif len(shape) == 2: if not shape[1] == 3: raise ValueError("The function expected either a 3-element vector or a Nx3 array!") return input_vector * np.array([1, -1, 1]) else: raise ValueError("The function expected either a 3-element vector or a Nx3 array!") else: if input_vector.shape[1] == 1: return input_vector * np.array([1, -1, 1]) elif input_vector.shape[1] == 3: return np.stack(( input_vector[:, 0], -1 * input_vector[:, 1], input_vector[:, 2], ), axis=1) else: raise ValueError("This function expected either a 3-element vector or an Nx3 array!")