Source code for aerosandbox.aerodynamics.aero_3D.linear_potential_flow

import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from aerosandbox import ExplicitAnalysis, AeroSandboxObject
from aerosandbox.geometry import *
from aerosandbox.performance import OperatingPoint
from aerosandbox.aerodynamics.aero_3D.singularities.uniform_strength_horseshoe_singularities import \
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Callable, Optional, Union, Tuple
import copy
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache, partial
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC

### Define some helper functions that take a vector and make it a Nx1 or 1xN, respectively.
# Useful for broadcasting with matrices later.
[docs]def tall(array): return np.reshape(array, (-1, 1))
[docs]def wide(array): return np.reshape(array, (1, -1))
[docs]immutable_dataclass = partial(dataclass, frozen=True, repr=False)
[docs]class LinearPotentialFlow(ExplicitAnalysis): def __init__(self, airplane: Airplane, op_point: OperatingPoint, xyz_ref: List[float] = None, run_symmetric_if_possible: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, wing_model: Union[str, Dict[Wing, str]] = "vortex_lattice_all_horseshoe", fuselage_model: Union[str, Dict[Fuselage, str]] = "none", wing_options: Union[Dict[str, Any], Dict[Wing, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, fuselage_options: Union[Dict[str, Any], Dict[Fuselage, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ): import warnings warnings.warn("LinearPotentialFlow is under active development and is not yet ready for use.", UserWarning) super().__init__() ##### Set defaults if xyz_ref is None: xyz_ref = airplane.xyz_ref if wing_options is None: wing_options = {} if fuselage_options is None: fuselage_options = {} ##### Initialize self.airplane = airplane self.op_point = op_point self.xyz_ref = xyz_ref self.verbose = verbose ##### Set up the modeling methods if isinstance(wing_model, str): wing_model = {wing: wing_model for wing in self.airplane.wings} if isinstance(fuselage_model, str): fuselage_model = {fuselage: fuselage_model for fuselage in self.airplane.fuselages} self.wing_model: Dict[Wing, str] = wing_model self.fuselage_model: Dict[Fuselage, str] = fuselage_model ##### Set up the modeling options ### Check the format of the wing options if not ( all([isinstance(k, str) for k in wing_options.keys()]) or all([issubclass(k, Wing) for k in wing_options.keys()]) ): raise ValueError("`wing_options` must be either:\n" " - A dictionary of the form `{str: value}`, which is applied to all Wings\n" " - A nested dictionary of the form `{Wing: {str: value}}`, which is applied to the corresponding Wings\n" ) elif all([isinstance(k, str) for k in wing_options.keys()]): wing_options = {wing: wing_options for wing in self.airplane.wings} ### Check the format of the fuselage options if not ( all([isinstance(k, str) for k in fuselage_options.keys()]) or all([issubclass(k, Fuselage) for k in fuselage_options.keys()]) ): raise ValueError("`fuselage_options` must be either:\n" " - A dictionary of the form `{str: value}`, which is applied to all Fuselages\n" " - A nested dictionary of the form `{Fuselage: {str: value}}`, which is applied to the corresponding Fuselages\n" ) elif all([isinstance(k, str) for k in fuselage_options.keys()]): fuselage_options = {fuselage: fuselage_options for fuselage in self.airplane.fuselages} ### Set user-specified values self.wing_options: Dict[Wing, Dict[str, Any]] = wing_options self.fuselage_options: Dict[Fuselage, Dict[str, Any]] = fuselage_options ### Set default values wing_model_default_options = { "none" : {}, "vortex_lattice_all_horseshoe": { "spanwise_resolution" : 10, "spanwise_spacing_function" : np.cosspace, "chordwise_resolution" : 10, "chordwise_spacing_function" : np.cosspace, "vortex_core_radius" : 1e-8, "align_trailing_vortices_with_wind": False, }, "vortex_lattice_ring" : { "spanwise_resolution" : 10, "spanwise_spacing_function" : np.cosspace, "chordwise_resolution" : 10, "chordwise_spacing_function" : np.cosspace, "vortex_core_radius" : 1e-8, "align_trailing_vortices_with_wind": False, }, "lifting_line" : { "sectional_data_source": "neuralfoil", }, } for wing in self.airplane.wings: if self.wing_model[wing] in wing_model_default_options.keys(): self.wing_options[wing] = { **wing_model_default_options[self.wing_model[wing]], **self.wing_options[wing], } else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid wing model specified: \"{self.wing_model[wing]}\"\n" f"Must be one of: {list(wing_model_default_options.keys())}") fuselage_model_default_options = { "none" : {}, "prescribed_source_line": { "lengthwise_resolution" : 1, "lengthwise_spacing_function": np.cosspace, }, } for fuselage in self.airplane.fuselages: if self.fuselage_model[fuselage] in fuselage_model_default_options.keys(): self.fuselage_options[fuselage] = { **fuselage_model_default_options[self.fuselage_model[fuselage]], **self.fuselage_options[fuselage], } else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid fuselage model specified: \"{self.fuselage_model[fuselage]}\"\n" f"Must be one of: {list(fuselage_model_default_options.keys())}") ### Determine whether you should run the problem as symmetric self.run_symmetric = False if run_symmetric_if_possible: raise NotImplementedError("LinearPotentialFlow with symmetry detection not yet implemented!") # try: # self.run_symmetric = ( # Satisfies assumptions # self.op_point.beta == 0 and # self.op_point.p == 0 and # self.op_point.r == 0 and # self.airplane.is_entirely_symmetric() # ) # except RuntimeError: # Required because beta, p, r, etc. may be non-numeric (e.g. opti variables) # pass
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(\n" + "\n".join([ f"\tairplane={self.airplane}", f"\top_point={self.op_point}", f"\txyz_ref={self.xyz_ref}", ]) + "\n)"
[docs] class Elements(ABC):
[docs] parent_component: AeroSandboxObject
[docs] start_index: int
[docs] end_index: int
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(\n" + "\n".join([ f"\tparent_component={self.parent_component}", f"\tstart_index={self.start_index}", f"\tend_index={self.end_index}", f"\tlength={len(self)}", ]) + "\n)"
[docs] def __len__(self): pass
# @abstractmethod # def get_induced_velocity_at_points(self, # points: np.ndarray # ) -> np.ndarray: # pass @immutable_dataclass
[docs] class PanelElements(Elements, ABC):
[docs] front_left_vertices: np.ndarray # Nx3 array of panel corners
[docs] back_left_vertices: np.ndarray # Nx3 array of panel corners
[docs] back_right_vertices: np.ndarray # Nx3 array of panel corners
[docs] front_right_vertices: np.ndarray # Nx3 array of panel corners
[docs] def __len__(self): return np.length(self.front_left_vertices)
[docs] def crosses(self): diag1 = self.front_right_vertices - self.back_left_vertices diag2 = self.front_left_vertices - self.back_right_vertices return np.cross(diag1, diag2)
[docs] def cross_norms(self): return np.linalg.norm(self.crosses, axis=1)
[docs] def areas(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.cross_norms / 2
[docs] def normal_directions(self): return self.crosses / tall(self.cross_norms)
[docs] class WingHorseshoeVortexElements(PanelElements):
[docs] trailing_vortex_direction: np.ndarray # Nx3 array of trailing vortex directions
[docs] vortex_core_radius: float # [meters]
[docs] def left_vortex_vertices(self): return 0.75 * self.front_left_vertices + 0.25 * self.back_left_vertices
[docs] def right_vortex_vertices(self): return 0.75 * self.front_right_vertices + 0.25 * self.back_right_vertices
[docs] def vortex_centers(self): return (self.left_vortex_vertices + self.right_vortex_vertices) / 2
[docs] def vortex_bound_legs(self): return self.right_vortex_vertices - self.left_vortex_vertices
[docs] def collocation_points(self): return ( 0.5 * (0.25 * self.front_left_vertices + 0.75 * self.back_left_vertices) + 0.5 * (0.25 * self.front_right_vertices + 0.75 * self.back_right_vertices) )
[docs] def get_induced_velocity_at_points(self, points: np.ndarray, vortex_strengths: np.ndarray, sum_across_elements: bool = True ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: u_induced, v_induced, w_induced = calculate_induced_velocity_horseshoe( x_field=tall(points[:, 0]), y_field=tall(points[:, 1]), z_field=tall(points[:, 2]), x_left=wide(self.left_vortex_vertices[:, 0]), y_left=wide(self.left_vortex_vertices[:, 1]), z_left=wide(self.left_vortex_vertices[:, 2]), x_right=wide(self.right_vortex_vertices[:, 0]), y_right=wide(self.right_vortex_vertices[:, 1]), z_right=wide(self.right_vortex_vertices[:, 2]), trailing_vortex_direction=self.trailing_vortex_direction, gamma=wide(vortex_strengths), vortex_core_radius=self.vortex_core_radius ) if sum_across_elements: u_induced = np.sum(u_induced, axis=1) v_induced = np.sum(v_induced, axis=1) w_induced = np.sum(w_induced, axis=1) return u_induced, v_induced, w_induced
[docs] class WingLiftingLineElements(WingHorseshoeVortexElements):
[docs] CL0: np.ndarray # length N array of zero-angle-of-attack lift coefficients
[docs] CLa: np.ndarray # length N array of lift slopes (1/rad)
[docs] def collocation_points(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class FuselagePrescribedSourceLineElements(Elements):
[docs] front_vertices: np.ndarray
[docs] back_vertices: np.ndarray
[docs] strength: np.ndarray
[docs] def __len__(self): return np.length(self.front_vertices)
[docs] def discretization(self): """ Returns: A list of dictionaries, where each item in the list represents a single element. Each item in the list is a namedtuple (effectively, a dictionary), and one of the following types: * `wing_vlm_element` * `wing_lifting_line_element` * `fuselage_prescribed_source_line` """ ### Initialize discretization = [] index = 0 ### Wings for wing in self.airplane.wings: element_type: str = self.wing_model[wing] options = self.wing_options[wing] if element_type == "none": continue elif element_type == "vortex_lattice_all_horseshoe": if options["spanwise_resolution"] > 1: subdivided_wing = wing.subdivide_sections( ratio=options["spanwise_resolution"], spacing_function=options["spanwise_spacing_function"], ) else: subdivided_wing = wing points, faces = subdivided_wing.mesh_thin_surface( method="quad", chordwise_resolution=options["chordwise_resolution"], chordwise_spacing_function=options["chordwise_spacing_function"], add_camber=True ) if options["align_trailing_vortices_with_wind"]: raise NotImplementedError("align_trailing_vortices_with_wind not yet implemented!") else: trailing_vortex_direction = np.array([1, 0, 0]) discretization.append( self.WingHorseshoeVortexElements( parent_component=wing, start_index=index, end_index=(index := index + len(faces)), front_left_vertices=points[faces[:, 0], :], back_left_vertices=points[faces[:, 1], :], back_right_vertices=points[faces[:, 2], :], front_right_vertices=points[faces[:, 3], :], trailing_vortex_direction=trailing_vortex_direction, vortex_core_radius=options["vortex_core_radius"], ) ) elif element_type == "vortex_lattice_ring": raise NotImplementedError("vortex_lattice_ring not yet implemented!") elif element_type == "lifting_line": raise NotImplementedError("lifting_line not yet implemented!") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid wing model specified: \"{element_type}\"") ### Fuselages for fuselage in self.airplane.fuselages: element_type: str = self.fuselage_model[fuselage] options = self.fuselage_options[fuselage] if element_type == "none": continue elif element_type == "prescribed_source_line": raise NotImplementedError("prescribed_source_line not yet implemented!") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid fuselage model specified: \"{element_type}\"") return discretization
[docs] def N_elements(self): return sum([len(element_collection) for element_collection in self.discretization])
[docs] def AIC(self): A = np.empty((self.N_elements, self.N_elements)) * np.nan for element_collection in self.discretization: if isinstance(element_collection, self.WingHorseshoeVortexElements): raise NotImplementedError("AIC not yet implemented for horseshoe vortices.") elif isinstance(element_collection, self.WingLiftingLineElements): raise NotImplementedError("AIC not yet implemented for lifting lines.") elif isinstance(element_collection, self.FuselagePrescribedSourceLineElements): raise NotImplementedError("AIC not yet implemented for fuselages.") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid element type: {type(element_collection)}") return A
[docs] def run(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Computes the aerodynamic forces. Returns a dictionary with keys: - 'F_g' : an [x, y, z] list of forces in geometry axes [N] - 'F_b' : an [x, y, z] list of forces in body axes [N] - 'F_w' : an [x, y, z] list of forces in wind axes [N] - 'M_g' : an [x, y, z] list of moments about geometry axes [Nm] - 'M_b' : an [x, y, z] list of moments about body axes [Nm] - 'M_w' : an [x, y, z] list of moments about wind axes [Nm] - 'L' : the lift force [N]. Definitionally, this is in wind axes. - 'Y' : the side force [N]. This is in wind axes. - 'D' : the drag force [N]. Definitionally, this is in wind axes. - 'l_b', the rolling moment, in body axes [Nm]. Positive is roll-right. - 'm_b', the pitching moment, in body axes [Nm]. Positive is pitch-up. - 'n_b', the yawing moment, in body axes [Nm]. Positive is nose-right. - 'CL', the lift coefficient [-]. Definitionally, this is in wind axes. - 'CY', the sideforce coefficient [-]. This is in wind axes. - 'CD', the drag coefficient [-]. Definitionally, this is in wind axes. - 'Cl', the rolling coefficient [-], in body axes - 'Cm', the pitching coefficient [-], in body axes - 'Cn', the yawing coefficient [-], in body axes Nondimensional values are nondimensionalized using reference values in the LinearPotentialFlow.airplane object. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_induced_velocity_at_points(self, points: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_velocity_at_points(self, points: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_streamlines(self, seed_points: np.ndarray = None, n_steps: int = 300, length: float = None, ): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def draw(self, c: np.ndarray = None, cmap: str = None, colorbar_label: str = None, show: bool = True, show_kwargs: Dict = None, draw_streamlines=True, recalculate_streamlines=False, backend: str = "pyvista" ): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def draw_three_view(self): raise NotImplementedError
if __name__ == '__main__': ### Import Vanilla Airplane import aerosandbox as asb from pathlib import Path
[docs] geometry_folder = Path(__file__).parent / "test_aero_3D" / "geometries"
import sys sys.path.insert(0, str(geometry_folder)) from vanilla import airplane as vanilla ### Do the AVL run lpf = LinearPotentialFlow( airplane=vanilla, op_point=asb.OperatingPoint( atmosphere=asb.Atmosphere(altitude=0), velocity=10, alpha=0, beta=0, p=0, q=0, r=0, ), ) dis = lpf.discretization res = for k, v in res.items(): print(f"{str(k).rjust(10)} : {v}")