Source code for aerosandbox.aerodynamics.aero_2D.mses

from aerosandbox.common import ExplicitAnalysis
import aerosandbox.numpy as np
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from aerosandbox.geometry import Airfoil
from aerosandbox.aerodynamics.aero_3D.avl import AVL
from typing import Union, List, Dict
import tempfile
import warnings
import os
from textwrap import dedent
import shutil

[docs]class MSES(ExplicitAnalysis): """ An interface to MSES, MSET, and MPLOT, a 2D airfoil analysis system developed by Mark Drela at MIT. Requires compiled binaries for all the programs to be on your computer; MSES is available here: Academics can get a copy by emailing the MIT Tech. Licensing Office; MIT affiliates can find a copy on Athena. It is recommended (but not required) that you add MSES, MSET, and MPLOT to your system PATH environment variable such that they can be called with the commands `mses`, `mset`, and `mplot`. If this is not the case, you need to specify the path to these executables using the command arguments of the constructor. ----- X11 Notes: Note that MSES, MSET, and MPLOT by default open up X11 windows on your computer. If you prefer that this doesn't happen (for extra speed), or if you cannot have this happen (e.g., you are computing in an environment without proper X11 support, like Windows Subsystem for Linux), you should use XVFB. XVFB is a virtual "display" server that can receive X11 output and safely dump it. (If you don't use XVFB and you don't have proper X11 support on your computer, this AeroSandbox MSES module will simply error out during the MSET call - probably not what you want.) To install XVFB on a Linux machine, use: ```bash sudo apt-get install xvfb ``` Then, when instantiating this MSES instance in AeroSandbox, pass the `use_xvfb` flag to be True. Default behavior here is that this class will look for the XVFB executable, `xvfb-run`, on your machine. If it finds it, it will run with XVFB enabled. If it does not, it will run without XVFB. ----- Usage example: >>> ms = MSES( >>> airfoil=Airfoil("naca2412").repanel(n_points_per_side=100), >>> Re=1e6, >>> mach=0.2, >>> ) >>> >>> result_at_single_alpha = ms.alpha(5) >>> #result_at_several_CLs =[0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]) >>> result_at_multiple_alphas = ms.alpha([3, 5, 60]) # Note: if a result does not converge (such as the 60 degree case here), it will not be included in the results. """ def __init__(self, airfoil: Airfoil, n_crit: float = 9., xtr_upper: float = 1., xtr_lower: float = 1., max_iter: int = 100, mset_command: str = "mset", mses_command: str = "mses", mplot_command: str = "mplot", use_xvfb: bool = None, xvfb_command: str = "xvfb-run -a", verbosity: int = 1, timeout_mset: Union[float, int, None] = 10, timeout_mses: Union[float, int, None] = 60, timeout_mplot: Union[float, int, None] = 10, working_directory: str = None, behavior_after_unconverged_run: str = "reinitialize", mset_alpha: float = 0, mset_n: int = 141, mset_e: float = 0.4, mset_io: int = 37, mset_x: float = 0.850, mses_mcrit: float = 0.99, mses_mucon: float = -1.0, ): """ Interface to XFoil. Compatible with both XFoil v6.xx (public) and XFoil v7.xx (private, contact Mark Drela at MIT for a copy.) Args: # TODO docs airfoil: The angle of attack [degrees] Re: The chord-referenced Reynolds number mach: The freestream Mach number n_crit: The critical Tollmein-Schlichting wave amplification factor xtr_upper: The upper-surface trip location [x/c] xtr_lower: The lower-surface trip location [x/c] full_potential: If this is set True, it will turn full-potential mode on. Note that full-potential mode is only available in XFoil v7.xx or higher. (Unless you have specifically gone through the trouble of acquiring a copy of XFoil v7.xx you likely have v6.xx. Version 7.xx is not publicly distributed as of 2022; contact Mark Drela at MIT for a copy.) Note that if you enable this flag with XFoil v6.xx, you'll likely get an error (no output file generated). max_iter: How many iterations should we let XFoil do? xfoil_command: The command-line argument to call XFoil. * If XFoil is on your system PATH, then you can just leave this as "xfoil". * If XFoil is not on your system PATH, then you should provide a filepath to the XFoil executable. Note that XFoil is not on your PATH by default. To tell if XFoil is not on your system PATH, open up a terminal and type "xfoil". * If the XFoil menu appears, it's on your PATH. * If you get something like "'xfoil' is not recognized as an internal or external command..." or "Command 'xfoil' not found, did you mean...", then it is not on your PATH and you'll need to specify the location of your XFoil executable as a string. To add XFoil to your path, modify your system's environment variables. (Google how to do this for your OS.) xfoil_repanel: Controls whether to allow XFoil to repanel your airfoil using its internal methods (PANE -> PPAR, both with default settings, 160 nodes) verbose: Controls whether or not XFoil output is printed to command line. timeout: Controls how long any individual XFoil run (i.e. alpha sweep) is allowed to run before the process is killed. Given in units of seconds. To disable timeout, set this to None. working_directory: Controls which working directory is used for the XFoil input and output files. By default, this is set to a TemporaryDirectory that is deleted after the run. However, you can set it to somewhere local for debugging purposes. """ if use_xvfb is None: trial_run = xvfb_command, # Analogous to "xvfb-run", perhaps with additional arguments capture_output=True, shell=True, text=True, ) expected_result = 'xvfb-run: usage error:' use_xvfb = expected_result in trial_run.stderr or expected_result in trial_run.stdout if not use_xvfb: xvfb_command = "" self.airfoil = airfoil self.n_crit = n_crit self.xtr_upper = xtr_upper self.xtr_lower = xtr_lower self.max_iter = max_iter self.mset_command = mset_command self.mses_command = mses_command self.mplot_command = mplot_command self.use_xvfb = use_xvfb self.xvfb_command = xvfb_command self.verbosity = verbosity self.timeout_mses = timeout_mses self.timeout_mset = timeout_mset self.timeout_mplot = timeout_mplot self.working_directory = working_directory self.behavior_after_unconverged_run = behavior_after_unconverged_run self.mset_alpha = mset_alpha self.mset_n = mset_n self.mset_e = mset_e self.mset_io = mset_io self.mset_x = mset_x self.mses_mcrit = mses_mcrit self.mses_mucon = mses_mucon
[docs] def run(self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray, List] = 0., Re: Union[float, np.ndarray, List] = 0., mach: Union[float, np.ndarray, List] = 0.01, ): ### Make all inputs iterables: alphas, Res, machs = np.broadcast_arrays( np.ravel(alpha), np.ravel(Re), np.ravel(mach), ) # Set up a temporary directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory: directory = Path(directory) ### Alternatively, work in another directory: if self.working_directory is not None: directory = Path(self.working_directory) # For debugging # Handle the airfoil file airfoil_file = "airfoil.dat" self.airfoil.write_dat(directory / airfoil_file) def mset(mset_alpha): mset_keystrokes = dedent(f"""\ 15 case 7 n {self.mset_n} e {self.mset_e} i {self.mset_io} o {self.mset_io} x {self.mset_x} 1 {mset_alpha} 2 3 4 0 """) if self.verbosity >= 1: print(f"Generating mesh at alpha = {mset_alpha} with MSES...") return f'{self.xvfb_command} "{self.mset_command}" "{airfoil_file}"', input=mset_keystrokes, cwd=directory, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True, check=True, timeout=self.timeout_mset ) try: mset_run = mset(mset_alpha=alphas[0]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e.stdout) print(e.stderr) if "BadName (named color or font does not exist)" in e.stderr: raise RuntimeError("MSET via AeroSandbox errored becausee it couldn't launch an X11 window.\n" "Try either installing a typical X11 client, or install Xvfb, which is\n" "a virtual X11 server. More details in the AeroSandbox MSES docstring.") runs_output = {} for i, (alpha, mach, Re) in enumerate(zip(alphas, machs, Res)): if self.verbosity >= 1: print(f"Solving alpha = {alpha:.3f}, mach = {mach:.4f}, Re = {Re:.3e} with MSES...") with open(directory / "", "w+") as f: f.write(dedent(f"""\ 3 4 5 7 3 4 5 7 {mach} 0.0 {alpha} | MACHin CLIFin ALFAin 3 2 | ISMOM IFFBC [ DOUXin DOUYin SRCEin ] {Re} {self.n_crit} | REYNin ACRIT [ KTRTYP ] {self.xtr_lower} {self.xtr_upper} | XTR1 XTR2 {self.mses_mcrit} {self.mses_mucon} | MCRIT MUCON 0 0 | ISMOVE ISPRES 0 0 | NMODN NPOSN """)) mses_keystrokes = dedent(f"""\ {self.max_iter} 0 """) mses_run = f'{self.xvfb_command} "{self.mses_command}" case', input=mses_keystrokes, cwd=directory, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True, check=True, timeout=self.timeout_mses ) if self.verbosity >= 2: print(mses_run.stdout) print(mses_run.stderr) converged = "Converged on tolerance" in mses_run.stdout if not converged: if self.behavior_after_unconverged_run == "reinitialize": if self.verbosity >= 1: print("Run did not converge. Reinitializing mesh and continuing...") try: next_alpha = alphas[i + 1] except IndexError: break mset_run = mset(mset_alpha=next_alpha) elif self.behavior_after_unconverged_run == "terminate": if self.verbosity >= 1: print("Run did not converge. Skipping all subsequent runs...") break continue mplot_keystrokes = dedent(f"""\ 1 12 0 0 """) mplot_run = f'{self.xvfb_command} "{self.mplot_command}" case', input=mplot_keystrokes, cwd=directory, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True, check=True, timeout=self.timeout_mplot ) if self.verbosity >= 2: print(mplot_run.stdout) print(mplot_run.stderr) raw_output = mplot_run.stdout. \ replace("top Xtr", "xtr_top"). \ replace("bot Xtr", "xtr_bot"). \ replace("at x,y", "x_ac") run_output = AVL.parse_unformatted_data_output(raw_output) # Merge runs_output and run_output for k in run_output.keys(): try: runs_output[k].append( run_output[k] ) except KeyError: # List not created yet runs_output[k] = [run_output[k]] # Clean up the dictionary runs_output = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in runs_output.items()} # runs_output["mach"] = runs_output.pop("Ma") runs_output = { "mach": runs_output.pop("Ma"), **runs_output } return runs_output
if __name__ == '__main__': from pathlib import Path from pprint import pprint
[docs] ms = MSES( airfoil=Airfoil("rae2822"), # .repanel(n_points_per_side=30), working_directory="/mnt/c/Users/peter/Downloads/msestest/", # max_iter=120, verbosity=1, behavior_after_unconverged_run="terminate", mset_n=300, max_iter=100, # verbose=False )
res = alpha=3, mach=np.arange(0.55, 0.8, 0.005), # Re=1e6, ) pprint(res) import matplotlib matplotlib.use("WebAgg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as p fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(res['mach'], res['CD'], ".-") p.show_plot()