Source code for aerosandbox.aerodynamics.aero_2D.airfoil_inviscid

from aerosandbox.common import *
from aerosandbox.geometry import Airfoil
from aerosandbox.performance import OperatingPoint
from aerosandbox.aerodynamics.aero_2D.singularities import calculate_induced_velocity_line_singularities
import aerosandbox.numpy as np
from typing import Union, List, Optional

[docs]class AirfoilInviscid(ImplicitAnalysis): """ An implicit analysis for inviscid analysis of an airfoil (or family of airfoils). Key outputs: * AirfoilInviscid.Cl """ @ImplicitAnalysis.initialize def __init__(self, airfoil: Union[Airfoil, List[Airfoil]], op_point: OperatingPoint, ground_effect: bool = False, ): if isinstance(airfoil, Airfoil): self.airfoils = [airfoil] else: self.airfoils = airfoil self.op_point = op_point self.ground_effect = ground_effect self._setup_unknowns() self._enforce_governing_equations() self._calculate_forces()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(\n\t" + "\n\t".join([ f"airfoils={self.airfoils}", f"op_point={self.op_point}", ]) + "\n)"
[docs] def _setup_unknowns(self): for airfoil in self.airfoils: airfoil.gamma = self.opti.variable( init_guess=0, scale=self.op_point.velocity, n_vars=airfoil.n_points() ) airfoil.sigma = np.zeros(airfoil.n_points())
[docs] def calculate_velocity(self, x_field, y_field, ) -> [np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ### Analyze the freestream u_freestream = self.op_point.velocity * np.cosd(self.op_point.alpha) v_freestream = self.op_point.velocity * np.sind(self.op_point.alpha) u_field = u_freestream v_field = v_freestream for airfoil in self.airfoils: ### Add in the influence of the vortices and sources on the airfoil surface u_field_induced, v_field_induced = calculate_induced_velocity_line_singularities( x_field=x_field, y_field=y_field, x_panels=airfoil.x(), y_panels=airfoil.y(), gamma=airfoil.gamma, sigma=airfoil.sigma, ) u_field = u_field + u_field_induced v_field = v_field + v_field_induced ### Add in the influence of a source across the open trailing-edge panel. if airfoil.TE_thickness() != 0: u_field_induced_TE, v_field_induced_TE = calculate_induced_velocity_line_singularities( x_field=x_field, y_field=y_field, x_panels=[airfoil.x()[0], airfoil.x()[-1]], y_panels=[airfoil.y()[0], airfoil.y()[-1]], gamma=[0, 0], sigma=[airfoil.gamma[0], airfoil.gamma[0]] ) u_field = u_field + u_field_induced_TE v_field = v_field + v_field_induced_TE if self.ground_effect: ### Add in the influence of the vortices and sources on the airfoil surface u_field_induced, v_field_induced = calculate_induced_velocity_line_singularities( x_field=x_field, y_field=y_field, x_panels=airfoil.x(), y_panels=-airfoil.y(), gamma=-airfoil.gamma, sigma=airfoil.sigma, ) u_field = u_field + u_field_induced v_field = v_field + v_field_induced ### Add in the influence of a source across the open trailing-edge panel. if airfoil.TE_thickness() != 0: u_field_induced_TE, v_field_induced_TE = calculate_induced_velocity_line_singularities( x_field=x_field, y_field=y_field, x_panels=[airfoil.x()[0], airfoil.x()[-1]], y_panels=-1 * np.array([airfoil.y()[0], airfoil.y()[-1]]), gamma=[0, 0], sigma=[airfoil.gamma[0], airfoil.gamma[0]] ) u_field = u_field + u_field_induced_TE v_field = v_field + v_field_induced_TE return u_field, v_field
[docs] def _enforce_governing_equations(self): for airfoil in self.airfoils: ### Compute normal velocities at the middle of each panel x_midpoints = np.trapz(airfoil.x()) y_midpoints = np.trapz(airfoil.y()) u_midpoints, v_midpoints = self.calculate_velocity( x_field=x_midpoints, y_field=y_midpoints, ) panel_dx = np.diff(airfoil.x()) panel_dy = np.diff(airfoil.y()) panel_length = (panel_dx ** 2 + panel_dy ** 2) ** 0.5 xp_hat_x = panel_dx / panel_length # x-coordinate of the xp_hat vector xp_hat_y = panel_dy / panel_length # y-coordinate of the yp_hat vector yp_hat_x = -xp_hat_y yp_hat_y = xp_hat_x normal_velocities = u_midpoints * yp_hat_x + v_midpoints * yp_hat_y ### Add in flow tangency constraint self.opti.subject_to(normal_velocities == 0) ### Add in Kutta condition self.opti.subject_to(airfoil.gamma[0] + airfoil.gamma[-1] == 0)
[docs] def _calculate_forces(self): for airfoil in self.airfoils: panel_dx = np.diff(airfoil.x()) panel_dy = np.diff(airfoil.y()) panel_length = (panel_dx ** 2 + panel_dy ** 2) ** 0.5 ### Sum up the vorticity on this airfoil by integrating airfoil.vorticity = np.sum( (airfoil.gamma[1:] + airfoil.gamma[:-1]) / 2 * panel_length ) airfoil.Cl = 2 * airfoil.vorticity # TODO normalize by chord and freestream velocity etc. self.total_vorticity = sum([airfoil.vorticity for airfoil in self.airfoils]) self.Cl = 2 * self.total_vorticity
[docs] def draw_streamlines(self, res=200, show=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as p fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6.4, 4.8), dpi=200) plt.xlim(-0.5, 1.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) xrng = np.diff(np.array(ax.get_xlim())) yrng = np.diff(np.array(ax.get_ylim())) x = np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim(), int(np.round(res * xrng / yrng))) y = np.linspace(*ax.get_ylim(), res) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) shape = X.shape X = X.flatten() Y = Y.flatten() U, V = self.calculate_velocity(X, Y) X = X.reshape(shape) Y = Y.reshape(shape) U = U.reshape(shape) V = V.reshape(shape) # NaN out any points inside the airfoil for airfoil in self.airfoils: contains = airfoil.contains_points(X, Y) U[contains] = np.nan V[contains] = np.nan speed = (U ** 2 + V ** 2) ** 0.5 Cp = 1 - speed ** 2 ### Draw the airfoils for airfoil in self.airfoils: plt.fill(airfoil.x(), airfoil.y(), "k", linewidth=0, zorder=4) plt.streamplot( x, y, U, V, color=speed, density=2.5, arrowsize=0, cmap=p.mpl.colormaps.get_cmap('coolwarm_r'), ) CB = plt.colorbar( orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.8, aspect=40, ) CB.set_label(r"Relative Airspeed ($U/U_\infty$)") plt.clim(0.6, 1.4) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.xlabel(r"$x/c$") plt.ylabel(r"$y/c$") plt.title(rf"Inviscid Airfoil: Flow Field") plt.tight_layout() if show:
[docs] def draw_cp(self, show=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6.4, 4.8), dpi=200) for airfoil in self.airfoils: surface_speeds = airfoil.gamma C_p = 1 - surface_speeds ** 2 plt.plot(airfoil.x(), C_p) plt.ylim(-4, 1.1) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel(r"$x/c$") plt.ylabel(r"$C_p$") plt.title(r"$C_p$ on Surface") plt.tight_layout() if show:
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] a = AirfoilInviscid( airfoil=[ # Airfoil("naca4408") # .repanel(50) Airfoil("e423") .repanel(n_points_per_side=50), Airfoil("naca6408") .repanel(n_points_per_side=50) .scale(0.4, 0.4) .rotate(np.radians(-25)) .translate(0.9, -0.05), ], op_point=OperatingPoint( velocity=1, alpha=5, ) )
a.draw_streamlines() a.draw_cp() from aerosandbox import Opti opti2 = Opti() b = AirfoilInviscid( airfoil=Airfoil("naca4408"), op_point=OperatingPoint( velocity=1, alpha=5 ), opti=opti2 )